To know everything that happens with your child outside the house and on his tongue, you must apply important steps
 To know everything that happens with your child outside the house and on his tongue, you must apply important steps 2100
Welcome to all my dear visitors to my child’s world, to  all parents, when you want to know the news of your child or your child and everything that happened with him abroad, whether the nursery, school, club, street, in detail, you must be able to act wisely and a little bit of intelligence in order to gain him and establish a healthy and strong relationship with him that makes him He trusts you and tells you all his daily details without even asking him. Here are very important steps that you must follow first that will help you very much in this matter.
The most important steps to follow in order to know what is happening with your child outside the home:
Do not ask general questions:
 Never ask general questions, and they usually do not have specific answers, such as what did you do today? what is the news? Any news?? Often the answer will be: fine, praise be to God..without any details that would satisfy you. Or the answer that provokes you will be: Nothing, I did nothing, a normal day like every day.. Your child here does not refuse to tell you details, but only he does not know what exactly you want to know, or often he does not remember .
So let your questions be specific, such as: You and your friend So and so, what did you two play together?? What made you happiest today?? How many times did the teacher tell you that you did well today.. and why?? What was the first thing you did when you entered class?? What is the most difficult thing that confronted you today that you could not solve?? Thus, you will find him developing and telling you many other things and you will see him move you in conversation from one thing to another until you find him telling you all the details of his day and more..
 Choose the right time:
I mean, for example, not when he enters the house tired, you ask him a barrage of questions, so he feels that he is under interrogation, and also not when he watches his favorite cartoon, let him focus and enjoy it. The best and most appropriate time to ask him is before bed, because at this particular time the child recalls all the events that happened with him throughout his day, and also he does not want to sleep but wants to talk, and you find him ready to talk to you on any opic you want.
Between your attention and your attention:
 Always and forever, you must show your interest and attention throughout the time he talks and do not underestimate anything he says.
Use praise and praise:
Always praise him and praise him for what he says, and glorify whatever he does and always make him proud of himself.. This feeling alone will make him tell you without asking you at all, not only that, but will make him want to go home to tell you what happened with him.
Avoid emotion and be wise:
 Avoid getting angry if he tells you about something you did not like or did something wrong. Wait for another time until you talk to him calmly. It is better for the father and mother to sit together until they talk about the subject and consult how it is possible to convey the information to the child that what he did is wrong and must be repeated again. Because if you act rashly, he won't tell you anything again.
Honor your commitments to him:
 You must respect your pledges to him, if he asks you not to say what he will tell you about to anyone, it means that you should not talk to anyone about that, you must keep his secrets no matter how silly in your opinion..
All of what we have mentioned must be applied in order to win your child and he will be the one who comes running to tell you about everything that happens with him without any questions from you at all.