British study: Artificial intelligence outperforms humans in the “distribution of wealth”
British study: Artificial intelligence outperforms humans in the “distribution of wealth” 255
A new British study has found that artificial intelligence "could devise ways to distribute wealth better than human-designed systems."
The results of the study, conducted by researchers from the company “DeepMind” for artificial intelligence in Britain, showed that machine learning systems “are not only serious in solving complex physics and biology problems, but may also help achieve social goals and reach a just and prosperous society.” “.
However, the study, published in the journal Science Alert, noted, "This is no easy task. Building a machine that can deliver useful results that humans actually want is complicated by the fact that people often disagree about the best way to solve issues, particularly social, economic and political.”
“One of the major obstacles to achieving human-machine compatibility is the plurality of perspectives in human society, inconsistent with the preferences of artificial intelligence,” explained the researchers, led by Raphael Koster, first author and research scientist at DeepMind.
They noted, for example, that “political scientists and economists are often at odds over the mechanisms that will make our societies function more just or efficiently.”
Bridging the gap between humans and machines
To help 'bridging the gap' between humans and machines, researchers have developed a 'wealth distribution system' that contains (real and virtual) people's interactions, and data on interactions is embedded in the system, to help guide AI toward outcomes that are preferable to humans or (generally more just hypothetically). Which “enables artificial intelligence to achieve amazing results.”
Thousands of people participated in the experiment, which was an investment exercise called the “Public Goods Game,” where players receive varying amounts of money, can contribute their money to a public fund, and then receive a return from the fund that matches their investment level.
Later, wealth was redistributed to players via "various traditional models of equality", and experiments showed that the in-game payment system was better than "traditional redistribution criteria".
Correction of imbalance
The researchers explained: “Artificial intelligence has discovered a mechanism that corrects the initial imbalance of wealth, and imposes penalties on people who get something without effort or cost (such as a non-union person with union benefits).
Based on the findings, the researchers said the study is “a tool that can help humans design better solutions, by using artificial intelligence to help prepare public policy and legal provisions and combat inequality or prejudice in society.”
“Our results do not imply support for a form of AI government, in which independent agents make policy decisions without human intervention,” the researchers emphasized, adding: “We view democratic AI as a research methodology for designing potentially useful mechanisms, not a recipe for intelligence deployment. artificial intelligence in the public domain.
Artificial intelligence has become an important element in various economic, commercial, technical and human fields.
A Google report stated that artificial intelligence applications will play an important role in the economic development in the Middle East and North Africa in the long run, as it is expected to add $320 billion to economic growth by 2030.
In this context, Muhammad Hassan Mansour, a researcher in political economy, said in a previous interview with Al-Araby that “the countries of the Arab world differ in progress in the issue of artificial intelligence, while there are other countries that are very regressive and come at the bottom of the list with regard to artificial intelligence.” “.
He stressed that preparing for the stage of artificial intelligence "depends on the efforts of governments and knowledge of its importance, especially that there are about 30% of the youth category in the Arab world who can be equipped to lead the region towards artificial intelligence."

Source: Arabic - translations