?Why haven't we received any signal from aliens yet
?Why haven't we received any signal from aliens yet 2261
Will we ever be able to discover any other civilizations in this universe? It is one of the most mysterious questions in the world of space. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains a huge number of celestial bodies, whose numbers range from (200 to 400 billion stars and 100 billion planets), and thus there is a great possibility for the existence of extraterrestrial life in the parts of this huge universe, but why is there no evidence or clear indication of the existence of extraterrestrial life? Is there an intelligent civilization that we can
?communicate with
The first to ask this question was the Italian physicist Enirco Fermi in 1950, when he asked his famous question “Where is everyone?” , in hat is now known as the Fermi Paradox. It turns out that there is a contradiction between the strong possibility of intelligent life, and the complete lack of evidence that intelligent life evolved at some time outside Earth.
While physicist Brian Cox, star of the TV series Wonders of the Universe, told The Sunday Times, “There is only one solution to the Fermi problem; Which is that it is impossible to run a world that has the capacity to destroy itself and needs highly collaborative solutions to prevent this from happening.”
?Why haven't we received any signal from aliens yet 6113
This means that if a civilization reaches a certain size or development, it will automatically destroy itself in the end, either through wars and advanced weapons or as a result of environmental disasters. Cox warned our species at the end of his speech by saying, “The speed of development in science and engineering may be greater than that in the field of politics, which may lead to many contradictions and disasters. It is likely that we are in front of this possibility.”
Thus, the answer to our question may be that these aliens may have annihilated themselves as a result of political turmoil among each other before they are advanced enough to travel between the stars and communicate with them. Therefore, our search for them will not work, and we may be alone in this huge universe.
