Hair extension methods
There are many natural recipes that are recommended to be applied to promote hair growth, including:
rice water:
Rice water contains many important benefits for hair health and strength; This is because it contains a quantity of proteins and vitamins useful for stimulating hair growth, such as (E), (B-6), and (K). The method is:
the ingredients:
 Half a cup of rice.
 Two cups of water.
small bowl.
How to prepare:
 Put the rice in the bowl, pour water over it, and let it soak in water for 15 minutes.
Strain the rice to get its water.
 Put the soaked rice water on the scalp and hair.
 Massage the scalp for a few minutes.
Wash the hair with a mild shampoo.
 Repeat the recipe twice a week.
Eggs are very useful for hair health, because they are rich in the necessary nutrients, which help in its growth, such as zinc, iron, sulfur, and protein. The method is:
 Ingredients :
one egg.
 A teaspoon of olive oil.
A teaspoon of honey.
mixing bowl.
How to prepare:
 Crack the egg, separate the white from the yolk, and place in the bowl.
Add olive oil and honey to the egg whites, and mix well.
Put the mixture on the hair, and leave it for 20 minutes.
Wash hair with mild shampoo, and cold water.
Repeat the recipe at least once, every two weeks, to get satisfactory results.

The rosemary herb is one of the beneficial herbs for the scalp. Because it contains antioxidant properties, it promotes hair growth and prevents its fall, in addition to helping to improve blood circulation in the scalp; Which helps to deliver food to the hair follicles, to make it more healthy. The method is:
the ingredients:
 Two or three sprigs of rosemary.
 Two cups of hot water.
How to prepare:
 Soak rosemary sprigs in hot water, and leave it for 5 minutes.
 Leave the rosemary soaked until it cools, then strain, and apply to hair.
 Wash the hair well with shampoo.
 Rinse the hair with rosemary soaked again after washing.
 Repeat the recipe several times a week.
jojoba oil
Jojoba oil is considered one of the moisturizing oils for the hair, and it also improves the circulation of blood in the blood vessels, all the way to the hair follicles, and therefore it encourages hair growth and lengthening. The method is:
 Ingredients :
A teaspoon of jojoba oil.
Two tablespoons of coconut oil or olive oil.
mixing bowl.

How to prepare:
 Bring the bowl, and put the oils inside it.
Mix the oils well.
Apply the mixture on the scalp and along the hair.
Leave the mixture on the head for the whole night.
 The hair is washed the next morning.
 Repeat the recipe twice a week.