! 9Locations on Earth where there is zero gravity and allow you to experience walking on the moon
 ! 9Locations on Earth where there is zero gravity and allow you to experience walking on the moon 1970
Gravity is not absent on the surface of the moon and space only, there are several locations on the planet Earth, where gravity is completely absent, and people feel that they have traveled to space while they did not leave their place.
Travel site, which specializes in tourism and travel, and documented nine sites where there is no attractiveness, which are:
1. A wooden house in California, USA
 ! 9Locations on Earth where there is zero gravity and allow you to experience walking on the moon 2591
This famous house is located in Santa Cruz, California, and once you are inside it you will be able to experience zero gravity as if you were inside a spaceship or on the surface of the moon, and it has been an important tourist site since it was discovered in 1930.
2. The Golden Rock of Myanmar
This rock is located inside the Kaiktu temple, and is considered the largest of its kind in the world, as it stands strangely on the edge of a mountain, which the viewer imagines is about to fall without falling, thousands of years ago.
3. Ladakh plateau in India
 ! 9Locations on Earth where there is zero gravity and allow you to experience walking on the moon 6261
This plateau is known for its complete zero gravity, and although there are many myths and theories, no one has been able to explain this phenomenon.
4. A road in South Korea
In a place on the island of Jeju in South Korea, there is a very strange road, where the gravity is so low that the cars that are left on it, are moving upwards.
5. Hudson Bay, Canada
A very strange phenomenon occurs at this site, where the weights are significantly reduced in relation to the real weight, which led scientists to say that it is the result of the decrease in the Earth's gravity in that area.
6. Hoover Dam in Nevada
 ! 9Locations on Earth where there is zero gravity and allow you to experience walking on the moon 7249
More than a million tourists a year come to this site, not to see it in particular, but to watch how the water flows backward instead of falling off its edge.
7. Magical Hill in Canada
On one of the sites in the Canadian city of Moncton, there is a unique hill, it looks like a big magnet is on top of it, where things move up and not down as the law of gravity says, and this was first observed in the 1930s.
8. Strange Street in Brazil
Although the street in Belo Horizonte is very steep, cars are pulled up as soon as they are left neutral, frightening drivers, who often cannot solve the problem until they apply the brakes.
9. Mount Aragats in Armenia
This mountain is considered the highest mountain in Armenia, and at the very bottom there is no gravity, as the river water flows to the top, and if you leave the car, it will move upwards.
These sites are of great importance in terms of tourism, and are considered attractive to tourists from all over the world.
