70Percent of Moroccan men have been subjected to “feminist” violence and demands government intervention
                   70Percent of Moroccan men have been subjected to “feminist” violence and demands government intervention 1971  
A parliamentary group warned of the growing phenomenon of violence against men, and called on the government to develop a strategy to combat this type of violence and maintain family cohesion.
In a written question addressed to the Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and the Family, Awatef Hayar, member of the kinetic team, Abdel Nabi Aidoudi, said that the phenomenon of violence against men in Morocco is growing in an alarming way, which the kinetic parliamentarian considered that it raises the question about the latest statistics related to this issue.
The parliamentarian, member of the Committee on the Interior, Local Communities, Housing and City Policy, called on Minister Hayar to take the necessary governmental measures to preserve family cohesion and combat the phenomenon of violence against men.
An official report had revealed exciting data about feminist violence against men in Morocco, indicating that a total of 70% of men had experienced feminist violence at least once in their lives.
According to the report prepared by the High Commission for Planning, 75% of men who live in cities and 61% of men who live in villages have experienced violence at least once in their lives.
The report, which focused on 3,000 samples between the ages of 15 and 75, deals with the aspects related to violence suffered by men, especially its prevalence rates in various living spaces and its various forms, as well as its determinants.
The report concluded that psychological violence is the predominant form of violence against men in all living spaces, since it alone represents 73% of all forms of violence suffered by men in Moroccan society.
More than 4 men out of 10 reported at least one act of violence in the 12 months prior to the research date, the report noted.
In the 12 months preceding the research, 42% of men had experienced at least one act of violence, 46% in urban areas and 35% in rural areas.
This violence is more prevalent among young people aged 15-34 (47% versus 29% among those aged 60-74), single men (46% versus 40% among married) and highly educated (46%) compared to 33% among men without any educational level).
70Percent of Moroccan men have been subjected to “feminist” violence and demands government intervention 1971 
