The message of the Berber Academy to the Amazigh nation of the Maghreb
The message of the Berber Academy to the Amazigh nation of the Maghreb 100811
The Berber Academy’s call for the union of all Islamic countries with their various ethnicities instead of calling for the union of Arab countries
. Among the lies are you who are ignorant of the philosophy and foundations of the Amazigh movement and its rational discourse. For your knowledge, it is a movement that is proud of its land and its origin, and they are not agents of either the East or the West. This is in the book of the Mujahid Mohand Arabs Saoud entitled History of the Amazigh
Academy An Algerian during the Algerian War, a fighter for the Amazigh cause, and the main founder of the Berber Academy Akrau Imazighen. Born on December 24, 1924
The message of the Berber Academy to the Amazigh nation of the Maghreb 100612
After independence, Mohand Arab became one of the biggest opponents of the new government and a leader in the resistance of the Socialist Forces Front Party from 1963 to 1965.
In 1965, Boumediene turned against President Ben Bella, tightened his grip on political and union life, and exiled a group of intellectuals and opposition academics, and Mohand Arab was one of them, as he traveled to France, where he spent time there, before he was forced to leave it as well, at the behest of Boumediene and the King of Morocco Al-Aqsa Hassan II, former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
, was exiled to France, where he founded in 1966 with Berber academics and intellectuals - such as Mohamed Arkoun and Altaous Amrouche - the Berber Academy in order to defend the Amazigh cause. Built as liars promote.
Here is a picture excerpted from the book on the history of the Berber Academy of its owner and founder, Mohand Arab Saoud, where you will find the names of the founding members
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In response to those who say that the Berber Academy is racist and the militant Muhanad Arabs in Saud are the enemies of Islam and the agents of the Zionists, we say to them that the rope of lying is short, bring your proof if you are honest for your knowledge, and perhaps you will
be shocked if you knew The Mujahid is a Muhannad, an Arab who carried the idea or project of uniting a major Islamic state from the Atlantic Ocean to Malaysia, and he was saturated with Islamic studies
. the martyrs who have seen nothing)
heureux les martyrs qui n'ont rien vu 25D8%25B2%25D9%258A%25D8%25BA%2B16.jpg Extension of the
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As for their Berber academic message to the North African people, who are Amazigh, it is represented in: What the founder of the Berber Academy said
Where the goals of the Berber Academy and the struggler Saud Arabs were cultural goals, identity and research that called for the revival of the Amazigh sense of self in all the countries of the Great Amazigh Maghreb, where Muhand Arabs said in this regard, “Teach (the Amazigh) that they are neither Romans nor Arabs, but Amazighs in the sense of free men and that their country North Africa is their only and only homeland, and that their Berber tongue is not a dialect that the Berbers are ashamed of, and that all Berbers everywhere represent the heirs of the free Numidian traditions
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Thus, it becomes clear to you that the Berber Academy and its leader and founder, the Mujahid, are Arabs in Saoud who are not agents of any foreign entity or country, and the Academy does not work to divide the countries of the Maghreb.
This is what the Mujahid Muhannad Arab Saoud used to say by suggesting to the militants that the Berber Academy be away from religious and political matters and only specialize in the cultural and historical aspect of Tamzgha -4x6OXIyydhRC3ACLcBGAsYHQ/w770-h896/%25D8%25B9%25D9%2584%25D9%2585%2B%25D9%2585%25D8%25A7%25D8%25B2%25D9%258A%25D8%25BA%
2B8.jpg Who say that the Berber Academy was a French industry?
You know that French President de Gaulle got angry when he heard that the association was given a license to practice its activities. Because it spoils his Arab national project. Yes... This is the documented historical fact that we create for you in order not to leave the weak, sick souls (I mean Ikrimah, Sasa, Sarqa, Handala, Alqamah and Abu Jahl... the twentieth century) To attach to us the defenders of the Amazigh identity the interest of working for zionism or for France or apostasy, paganism, charlatanism and sophistry as they always do, and in order not to leave a ride for those who deny their blood and roots, from the Arabs of our country and turned their face towards the East, to search for epics, heroism, the Arabism of illusion and the illusion of Arabism. Here is the documented history that shows You that the leader of the Berber Academy calls for the establishment of a great Islamic homeland that includes all races, while France helps you to create the myth of the Arab world??????? 25B2%25D9%258A%25D8%25BA%2B14.jpg
Pictures of Mujahid Si Muhammad Arab Saoud in the mountains and forests during the revolution, you can find them in the following link See picture No. 24 and No. 6