5Natural Recipes To Get Rid Of Flies From The House Permanently
 5Natural Recipes To Get Rid Of Flies From The House Permanently 1975
Are you facing an infestation of flies in the house? Did you know that there are easy and natural ways to get rid of flies from the house?
Instead of exterminating these insects using chemical pesticides that kill them, and for the sake of your health as well, let's try to expel these flies in a natural way.
1. White vinegar
At first, we advise you to clean your home well. In this context, you should know that vinegar has a double advantage for cleaning windows: it cleans windows well and repels flies.
Its smell is very annoying to flies. So, why not also clean your 
?kitchen worktop with white vinegar
2. Onions
Onion is second only to garlic in terms of repelling flies.. It is a valuable ally to get rid of flies from your home. You can cut it in half or into strips and put it on your cabinets or window sills.
You can also boil it with water: boil onions in a little water. Then filter it. Then put the extracted water in a cup and distribute it in strategic places. You can also rub it on the bars of garden chairs to keep unwanted insects away. With this recipe from our grandmothers to get rid of flies from the house, you will be able to get rid of them naturally.
3. Darkness
It's a fact: light attracts flies, and it has the same effect on many other insects. If you have flies in the bedroom in the evening, turn off the lights. And backfire by turning on a light in a room far from yours. Make sure to leave the door open, the flies will go straight to the light source. And you will be able to sleep peacefully.
4. Fly trap
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If keeping the flies out isn't enough for you, and you're looking for a radical solution, you can make a fly trap simply with an empty plastic water bottle.
Cut the bottle to measure about a third of its height below the neck. Put some juice or water and honey in the bottom of the bottle. Then flip the cut-out part over and place it on top of the rest of the bottle to build a funnel. Glue the two parts together. The flies attracted by the sugar will enter the bottle, but they will not be able to get out.
5. Adhesive tapes
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Another radical solution is the popular anti-fly tape. It is not an aesthetic method in terms of appearance, but it is very effective. The idea of ​​this method is simple, the fly settles on the tape and remains stuck. And then the rest of the flies come to join them. You can even put a dead fly on one of the tapes you hang around the house. In order to encourage the rest of the flies to settle on it.
? what about you
Have you ever tried these grandma's tricks to get rid of flies? Tell us through your comments if it worked? We are waiting for your participation
