Exploding the moon and dimming the sun are the strangest solutions for scientists to reduce global warming
Today, the planet is experiencing a complex global crisis, and we humans are contributing to its exacerbation daily, which is the crisis of global warming and climate change. Entire cities may disappear due to melting ice and agricultural crops, forests and animals are affected. Therefore, global warming is considered a serial killer that approaches us every day.
Therefore, senior scientists and politicians meet daily to find solutions that can protect humans from the wrath of nature, and these are the strangest solutions that have been proposed:
Exploding the moon and dimming the sun are the strangest solutions for scientists to reduce global warming 1976 
moon explosion
Alexander Appian, Professor of Mathematics at Iowa State University, suggested blowing up the moon by using a nuclear weapon as a remedy for the problem of global warming because, in his belief, it will eliminate the phenomenon of the seasons, and thus the absence of floods, hurricanes or snowstorms.
sun darkening
Bill Gates proposed the technique of dimming the sun or reflecting sunlight from the Earth's atmosphere, and this in turn reduces global warming and helps in cooling the Earth.
Harvard University scientists studied this proposal and found the possibility of scattering particles of non-toxic calcium carbonate in the atmosphere, where this spray acts as a reflector of the sun.
Opposition to this proposal believes that the result may be catastrophic, no less harmful than the damages of global warming, in addition to its cost, which may reach trillions of dollars.
In fact, no one knows what might happen when calcium carbonate is released into the atmosphere, said David Keith, professor of applied physics at Harvard University.
Genetically modified humans
Philosopher and scientist Matthew Liao proposed this solution to address the problem of climate change, and despite the ethical disagreement in the process, Liao believed that human modification is acceptable provided that moral conditions are set for such action.
He believes that to address the threat of global warming, we must either change the environment in which we live or change ourselves. Given the enormous risks associated with changing the environment, we must think seriously about changing ourselves.
Liao suggested creating an artificial human race that carries a genetic mutation that makes it reluctant to eat red meat, and thus reduce livestock farms, which cause about 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, which is a higher percentage of gases emitted from transportation, including planes, cars and trains, which amounts to 13%, due to gas Methane, which is released by livestock during the digestion process, is a gas that affects the Earth as a greenhouse gas with 25 times that of carbon dioxide.
Or humans can be modified to become smaller and thus reduce their food consumption, or people can be motivated to eat types of foods and vegetables that have less environmental damage, and the human race can be modified to be more resistant to infectious diseases and thus more prepared for climate change.
Recycling of human waste
According to the latest study, humans throw 290 million tons of faeces and 2 million liters of urine annually on the planet. Imagine if these wastes were recycled into pure water or resources in the form of energy, fertilizers and nutrients.
In 2011, a campaign was launched to encourage the use of technology in toilets and the recycling of stool, but this idea was not accepted by people and they refused to reuse their waste, despite the fact that the water produced by urine is more pure than bottled water after the severe purification processes that it goes through until become drinkable.
carbon burial
Since most of the problems are caused by the additional carbon dioxide gas that accumulates in the atmosphere and causes a rise in temperature, a number of scientists suggested collecting this excess gas and locking it underground or in consuming oil and gas fields. Scientists also suggested separating carbon dioxide from plant emissions and then Compressing it and injecting it into an underground cemetery can preserve it for thousands of years, but the high cost of this process and the fear of gas leaks from the ground stood in the way of its realization.

Giving the ocean a dose of iron
Scientists found that iron contributes to the growth of phytoplankton, which rid ocean water of carbon dioxide that it uses to make food, which causes global warming, and when these plankton die, they sink to the ocean floor and carry carbon with them. Plankton are tasked with absorbing dissolved carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
 Although several companies have taken this adventure, scientists are not sure of the effectiveness of these huge farms, and environmental organizations have warned that iron may harm marine ecosystems.
  splashing snow in glass
To avoid the danger of melting ice and rising sea levels that could destroy entire cities, a group of scientists suggested spreading small glass beads on the surface of the ice in the Arctic to reflect the sun's glare and thus absorb less sunlight and reduce ice melt.
Another group of scientists in Arizona has proposed a simpler solution to deal with melting snow, which is to refreeze it. Their plan is to build wind-powered pumps that pour ocean water on the ice in winter so that it freezes and thus thickens the ice sheet.
Paint the mountains white
The idea is to paint mountaintops white so that they can reflect sunlight back into space instead of absorbing it.
Reducing global warming through cat litter
According to the Wall Street Journal, a group of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have discovered a type of common clay found in "cat litter", which is effective in ridding the atmosphere of greenhouse gases.
Given the unknown dangers of the strange ideas presented by scientists, we must all cooperate, we humans, in order to prevent the threat of global warming that threatens the human race as a whole renewable.
