? How do children teach self-control
Raising children is not easy. If you keep meeting their demands, they don't understand the value of it; If you don't meet their demands, they throw tantrums. If you are at a party or in a crowded place and your kids are acting stubborn and having tantrums, it can be frustrating not to mention embarrassing for the parents.
But how do you deal with this kind of behavior of your children? Do you yell at them or explain to them politely? If your kids are demanding and not listening to you, don't worry! There are several ways to deal with children when they have a breakdown in public, and one way you can try is to teach them self-control.
In this article, the most important tips for teaching children self-control.
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? Why is it important to teach self-control to children
The art of self-control is an essential skill for children to learn as it will help them grow into adults later in life. The skill of self-control can be useful for children in their daily lives. Teaching children to control their emotions in case of conflict, to control their impulsive behavior, to understand delayed gratification, - all these things fall under the art of self-control that will develop them into mature people.
Children who lack self-control face more behavioral problems than their peers, which is another vital reason to teach them this art. But what is child restraint? Sometimes as parents we think it's easier to give in to a child's demands than to deal with screaming, crying and tantrums, which is probably why a child becomes stubborn in the first place. But with a little patience, you can shape your child's behavior.
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Ways to teach a child self-control
Here are some activities and strategies you can try with your child to teach him the art of self-control:
Use the bonus method.1
Children are more likely to repeat good behavior if you try some positive reinforcement. Give your kid rewards for showing self-control in different situations. For example, you could give him a notebook so that we add a label for each act of self-control that he displays each day. This will make your child happier and they will master this skill in no time.
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Teach your child to respond when called.2
Teach your child that if you call him from somewhere, he should not only shout “what” from where he is, but he should, in fact, come to your place and talk to you. This will help your child learn that self-control also means giving up what they are doing in favor of doing something else.
Use reminders.3
Children are easily distracted and find it difficult to remember things. So as parents, giving your child timely reminders will help him learn the art of self-control more easily. For example, when your child is angry, immediately remind him of what you taught him about self-control and ask him to take deep breaths to calm down. You can also remind him every day before he goes to school to be nice to other children and to exercise self-control if his peers say something that means him and they don't get angry.
set of rules.4
This is very important for young children. You need to clearly explain the rules to your child, what is expected of him, what is allowed and what is not. This way you can help him master self-control in an organized manner. The simpler the rules and the clearer they are conveyed to your child, the easier it will be for him to remember them.
set an example.5
Children look at their parents and often imitate what they are doing. An excellent way to teach your child self-control is to practice it yourself in front of him. Be a good role model because your child will exercise self-control by watching you. For example, when you are angry, do not extend your hand in front of your child. Show him that you keep your anger under control - smile and talk about it. When his bedtime approaches, forcefully turn off the television and tell your child that you need to sleep because it is your bedtime too. He will learn from you and not throw tantrums!
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Don't compromise on your baby's bedtime.6
Babies always make a fuss when they go to bed at night. Use their refusal to go to bed as a good opportunity to teach them self-control and self-discipline. Have your child follow a consistent bedtime routine so that he can fall asleep at the appropriate time without worry.
Turn home chores into games.7
Children will easily master the art of self-control if they enjoy learning it. So turn chores like cleaning games or doing homework into a fun game with some tangible excitement at the end, like a reward. This will motivate them.
give a break.8
If children show self-control on one task, it will tire them out, and they may not do the same with the second task. So give them a break every once in a while. This will help them learn self-control at a gradual pace until they are mature enough to practice it consistently without assistance.
Change your response to misbehavior.9
It will not help your child's demand because he is screaming to learn self-control. Being assertive and consistent without raising your voice or resorting to threats can go a long way in teaching your child self-control. This will definitely require a lot of patience on the part of the parent, but the benefits will outweigh that
