Natural and abnormal reasons for the disappearance of ships and 
planes in the Baramuda Triangle
?What is the Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle in English (The Triangle Bermuda), which is also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean (the Sea of ​​Darkness). Pramuda) is a fictional legend in the Atlantic because of the unexplained disappearance of ships and planes.
The Bermuda Triangle covers about 500,000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean, where it is located in the western part of it and adjacent to the southeastern part of the state of Florida in the United States of America.
The area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is about one million square kilometers and includes the Bermuda Triangle on Florida, the Bermuda Islands of Britain and the Bahamas.
It is said that when Christopher Columbus sailed through this region on his first voyage to explore the New World, he mentioned that he saw a large flame of fire believed to be a meteorite that crashed into the sea one night and a few weeks later a strange light appeared in that region, as information was mentioned about the irregular reading of the compass in that area. Period.
As for the explanation of the unexplained disappearance, there is no special theory to solve it and to explain its ambiguity. One of the skeptics about the phenomenon of disappearance stated that the disappearance that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle is not logical and is no more than any accident similar to any car accident that may occur, and coral reefs, storms and currents may It poses a great challenge in maritime navigation, as the marine insurance official in London says that the Bermuda Triangle is not a particularly dangerous place. As a result of something other than material causes, and no exceptional factors have been identified that caused the disappearances.
Natural Explanations:
Natural and abnormal reasons for the disappearance of ships and   planes in the Baramuda Triangle 175
Compass errors
The problem of the compass error is one of the causes in the accidents of the Baramuda Triangle, while some have assumed the theory of the existence of an unusual energy of magnetic force lies in that region, and such cases did not appear before. It is known that magnetic compasses have many magnetic relationships with magnetic poles, a fact known to many navigators for many centuries.
The magnetic north pole (the direction north in the compass) and the geographical north pole (the direction north along the surface of the earth) sometimes meet in small areas for example - in the year 2000 in the United States, the line running between Wisconsin and the Gulf of Mexico was one of those areas, but some public thought that there Something mysterious about the change in the compass which of course happened.
Deliberate acts of destruction
Deliberate acts of destruction can be divided into two groups: acts of war, and acts of piracy. He found many other reasons for those terrible losses and the sinking of many ships by surface attacks or submarines during the world wars, and there were many causes, but they are not known.
Piracy and the seizure of ships in the seas illegally still exist to this day. While piracy to steal goods is widespread in the western Pacific and Indian Oceans, drug smugglers steal recreational boats for use in smuggling operations. Piracy spread in the Caribbean between 1560 and 1760, and the most famous pirates were Edward Teach (the owner of the black beard) and Jean Lafitte.
- Human errors
Human error is one of the most cited explanations in official investigations for the loss of any aircraft or ship, whether intentional or unintentional. Humans have been known to make mistakes that lead to disaster and many losses in the Bermuda Triangle are no exception. For example, the Coast Guard of the United States of America stated that the reason for the loss of the SS V.A Foog in 1972 was the lack of appropriate training to dispose of waste gasoline. It may have been the human stubbornness of businessman Harvey Conover that caused the loss of his yacht, the Rivonok, when he sailed on it for Florida during a storm on January 1, 1958.
- methane hydrate
One explanation for the disappearances focused on the presence of large amounts of methane hydrate (a form of natural gas) emission on the slopes of the continents. Experiments conducted in Australia have proven that methane bubbles can sink an entire ship from the process of reducing the density of water.
Also, periodic methane gas eruptions (sometimes called mud volcanoes) produce large quantities of low-density foamy water that cannot carry and provide adequate buoyancy for ships. In this case, the area around the ship will cause it to sink very quickly without warning.
Publications issued by the US Geological Survey indicate the existence of large underwater stores in the world of hydrate gases, including the Blake Ridge area located on the coast of the southeastern United States. According to their documents, hydrate gas has not been exported in large quantities in the Bermuda Triangle for the past 15,000 years.
According to the newspaper, Sputnik News, a group of researchers from the Norwegian Arctic University discovered craters on the sea floor caused by huge explosions of methane bubble globules, which accumulated over time under the sea, indicating that the diameter of the discovered crater reaches 500 meters, while its depth is about 45 meters. It is a very large area capable of flooding anything that passes in this area, and researchers estimate that the gas emissions from those pits have led to a rise in the temperature of the ocean water after the water mixed with a percentage of the gas. Which led to the sinking of the ships that crossed it.
Tropical Storms
Tropical storms are powerful storms that originate in tropical waters and have caused the loss of thousands of lives and material losses estimated at billions of dollars. These storms in the past caused many accidents related to the triangle.
- devastating waves
In many oceans of the world, devastating waves caused the sinking of many ships. Oil leaked from many oil tankers. Until 1995, these waves were a mystery.
Abnormal Explanations:
Some authors suggested a number of external phenomena to explain these events. The first explanation was blamed on the technological waste from the island of Atlantis, and sometimes it is linked to the story of Atlantis, after they found rocks formed in the form of an undersea road called Bimini Street on Bimini Island in the Bahamas, which are located within the coordinates of the triangle.
While others linked the mysterious disappearances in the Baramuda Triangle to UFOs. The use of this idea by Steven Spielberg in the science fiction film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which tells the story of the loss of the crew of Flight 19 and their abduction by aliens.
Among the unnatural interpretations is that the awaited Mahdi is residing in Bermuda with his family and loyal companions, as mentioned in the case of the Green Island, which is found in the book Bihar al-Anwar al-Majlisi, which is a large encyclopedia of 25 volumes. There is no part of the Atlantic Ocean, and a description was given of that region that he claims to have visited in the year 690 AH. "Even the sea does not resemble itself, it appears that we enter white waters that we pass over a small island... We are completely lost."

Sheikh Al-Majlisi narrated the same phrases mentioned, when he traveled from Iraq to Morocco and then to a small island near the Atlantic called the Rafidah Island, he said: When he was on the sixteenth of our journey in the sea, I saw white water, so I looked at it for a long time and said: I see it on a different color of the sea. It is the white sea and that green island and this water round about it is like a wall from which side did you come to it, and by the wisdom of God Almighty, the ships of our enemies, if they entered, sank, even if they were sealed by the blessing of our Lord, and before us is the owner of the time.” The result is that the absent Imam, the awaited Mahdi, lives in the Bermuda Triangle with certainty.

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