The relationship of childbearing to a man’s age..a study reveals new information
The relationship of childbearing to a man’s age..a study reveals new information 185
Men often think that their age does not matter when it comes to fertility, and that the biological clock is only important for a woman, but a new study refutes this belief, indicating that the age of men may play a vital role in the success of this matter.
And it's not just women who have to predict their biological clock when it comes to IVF and childbearing, as a new study suggests that the influence of father's age could play a more vital role than previously thought, in IVF reproductions.
The study, which was based on an analysis of anonymous data from the UK Fertility Regulatory Authority and the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, conducted on nearly 19,000 fertilization cases, showed that for women under the age of 35 or over 40, the age of their male partner does not make a significant difference in their sex. their chances of conceiving.
In contrast, there was a significant decrease in the live birth rate for women between the ages of 35 and 40 if the partner was 40 or older.
These findings could help shape fertility advice for couples trying to conceive, and the researchers said they will challenge traditional assumptions that a partner's age should always be a primary consideration in the reproductive process.
? Does the age of men affect the fertility of women
In this context, obstetrics and gynecology specialist, Dr. Rami Kilani, explains that this study is preliminary and was conducted only on IVF, as it showed that the age of men over 40 years can affect the fertility of women between 35 and 40 years, noting at the same time that Men's age did not affect women under 35 and over 40, according to the study.

In an interview with Al-Arabi, from the Jordanian capital, Amman, Kilani explains that the egg of younger females is able to repair the defect within the sperm of men over the age of 40, adding that as women age, the rate of miscarriage and chromosomal problems increases.
The specialist in obstetrics and gynecology points out that the fertility rate of men decreases with age, but it does not decline at the same level as in females.
To increase fertility, Al-Kilani advises men and women to stay away from smoking and alcoholic beverages, and urges them to exercise to get the ideal weight.