The 10 greatest warriors in history
 The 10 greatest warriors in history 7110
Throughout history, there have always been people who have known strength, and most of these people are warriors.
Here is a list of the ten most powerful warriors in ancient history:
1.   Flamma
The 10 greatest warriors in history 7259 
Flama and the meaning of his name Flame, is one of the most powerful Roman gladiators. At a time when most gladiators dreamed of gaining their freedom, Flama was seeking fame and power by crushing every fighter who gets in his way. Freedom was granted to him 4 times, but he refused it and chose to continue fighting.
2.   Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi
The 10 greatest warriors in history 7320 
He was the first sultan over Syria and Egypt between 1174 and 1193, and he led the Islamic army against the Third Crusade led by Richard the Lionheart and came out of the battle victorious, despite his war power, but he gained the respect of most of his enemies.
3.   Miyamoto Musashi
The 10 greatest warriors in history 7420 
Mayamoto is considered one of the greatest samurai fighters in Japan. During his lifetime, he participated in more than 60 fights to the death, all of which were against strong warriors, but perhaps his first fight is what earned him the greatest fame, as he was only 20 years old, and his opponent He was not only an adult man, but he was fighting him using a sharp sword while Musashi was using a stick, and since that time until his death he participated in more than 60 fights to death as he fought in 6 wars, and he was the one who leads his soldiers in these wars.
4.   Yue Fei
The 10 greatest warriors in history 7518 
This Chinese warrior from the tenth century is considered one of the strongest soldiers of the Chinese Empire, as he participated during a period of 20 years in 126 battles and did not lose any of them. Poems describing how he will drink the blood of his slain enemies.
Even today Yufei is considered a national hero in China, a symbol of patriotism, loyalty and honor.
5.   Attila the Hun
The 10 greatest warriors in history 7610 
Attila was the ruler who united the Huns during his reign from 434 until his death in 453, known for his ruthlessness, bloodthirstiness and terror in the hearts of all his enemies in Europe, as he claimed to possess the sword of Athena, the Greek goddess of war.
Attila and his army overran most European cities, killing entire villages they passed through. Attila's role is considered large and influential in eliminating the Roman Empire.
6.   Genghis Khan
The 10 greatest warriors in history 7718 
His real name is Temujin and Genghis Khan is his nickname. Genghis Khan established the Mongol Empire, began to unite the tribes of Northeast Asia, and led his soldiers from Japan to Iran, causing casualties estimated to number in the tens of millions.
His reign lasted from 1206 until 1227, and he had several wives and thousands of female partners.
7.   Spartacus
The 10 greatest warriors in history 7818 
Born in 111 BC, Spartacus was a soldier in the Roman army, but he tried to escape from the army, where he was captured and sold into slavery. Then he trained to become a gladiator, and he was one of the strongest gladiators until he got tired of killing as a sport, where he formed an army of gladiators and fought the Romans for 3 years until he was killed, and for a long time he was one of the most fearsome men.
8.   Xiahou Dun
The 10 greatest warriors in history 7913 
This military general served under the command of the warrior Cao Cao in China, and Jizu became a legend among the fighters. After this incident, Jizo gained great fame throughout the Chinese Empire, as his enemies were afraid when knowing that they would fight the one-eyed fighter Jizo.
9.   William Wallace
 The 10 greatest warriors in history 8016
Wallace was one of the army commanders in Scotland's First War of Independence from the English Empire, a huge man over two meters tall, skilled with a bow and arrow.
Wallace continued to fight the English for 8 years, until he was captured in 1305 and executed.
10. Alexander the Great
The 10 greatest warriors in history 8110 
He was born in 356 BC. He was the ruler of Macedonia, although Alexander died at the age of 30, but he achieved great military achievements, as he occupied all the major kingdoms in that period, and he did not lose any of his battles, even in which the enemy army was superior to him in number, but unfortunately after his death the great empire he founded disintegrated .

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