The discovery of two 2500-year-old Olmec inscriptions increases the mystery of this civilization
                                                The discovery of two 2500-year-old Olmec inscriptions increases the mystery of this civilization 185   
Archaeologists have found two inscriptions related to the Olmec civilization, which is the oldest civilization in Central America. The two inscriptions that were found recently in Mexico include two limestones, each 1.4 meters in diameter, weighing 700 kilograms, and estimated to be more than 2500 years old.
The Olmec civilization flourished during the formative period of Central America, about 400 BC, and the inhabitants of that civilization lived along the Gulf of Mexico, specifically in the Mexican states of Tabasco and Veracruz.
Archaeologists haven't figured out why, according to the Aztec language, these people gave themselves the name Olmec, meaning "rubber people".

It is unique that the Olmec civilization laid the foundations for many of the civilizations that followed, such as the Mayan civilization, and they practiced strange rituals such as bloodshed, and they also played ball and knew chocolate.
The Olmec civilization is distinguished by having many huge sacred complexes, large stone heads that were carved from volcanic rock, and they suffered long periods of systematic and deliberate destruction in the period between 400 and 300 BC.
Mexican archaeologist Dr. Tomas Perez Suarez said, commenting on the inscriptions, they show an angry mouth that hints at the roar of tigers.
Archaeologists say the stone inscriptions found in the Tenosique municipality of Tabasco, southeastern Mexico, come from the Central Osomacinta region, which lies between the mouth of the Chacamax River and the mouth of the San Pedro River.
Five inscriptions related to this civilization have already been found, which archaeologists believe belong to the rulers of that ancient civilization.
It is mentioned that the Olmec civilization has almost completely disappeared, without anyone knowing what happened to this people, who were famous for architecture, sculpture and their great ability to influence.

There are many hypotheses about the extinction of the Olmec civilization, including its people being attacked by local tribes, and others say that climate change may be one of the reasons, because the Olmec people lived on few agricultural crops, and any climate change that affects them means affecting their diet.