Adam's daughters

 Adam's daughters 2669

The Adam and Eve family can be considered the golden family in human history. In  religious stories,  we all "descend" them. We have carried their genes and their natures, sin and forgiveness we inherited from our parents, Adam and Eve, strength, might and hatred from Cain, and kindness, love and faith from Seth, which means the gift of God. Our passion for knowing our origin from which we came was not narrated by the heavenly books, so we had to invent our own story about them, filling it with details, questions and answers about what was overlooked by the official narrative of the heavenly books. Our own story about the golden family was a reason to expand our land and open our horizons more.
The Torah provided good information about the first human family, as it listed the names of the male sons of Adam and Eve. Cain, whom Eve said, according to the Torah: "I have acquired a man from the Lord." And then the Torah mentions that Eve gave birth to Abel, and after that the work of each of the two sons was allocated, to be Cain a grain grower, and Abel a herdsman. Eve gave birth to Seth after Abel was killed, but the Torah omits the mention of daughters.

The first family in the Qur'an
The Qur’an does not mention the complete structure of the Adam and Eve family. He sufficed with mentioning Cain and Abel by names, and he mentioned that the heavens accepted the sacrifice of one of them and turned their eyes away from the sacrifice of the other:
“And recite to them the news of the two sons of Adam with truth, when they offered an offering, and it was accepted by one of them, but God did not accept it.”
This verse talks about only two sons who have no third one, and the Islamic tradition has assumed that they are Cain and Abel based on hadiths and the Torah narration. As for the third son’s Seth , there is no indication of its presence in the Qur’an, rather it was mentioned only to the hadiths of the Prophet, for the Prophet said: “Fifty scrolls were revealed to Seth,” according to what was mentioned in the book “Sahih” Ibn Hibban. He mentioned any news about a woman belonging to the family of Adam and Eve, whether she was the daughter or wife of one of their sons.
The Torah provided good information about the first family, but this did not satisfy humanity's urgent desire to know its origins, so were the stories of the three daughters of Adam
The story of the sacrifice is repeated in the Torah as in the Qur’an, but with more detail, because Abel presented from the firstborns of his sheep and their fat, while Cain presented from the fruits of the earth. Heaven has looked at Abel’s offering and has turned away from Cain’s offering, and there is no doubt that the phrase “of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat,” added to Abel’s offering, while generally referring to Cain’s offering as “of the fruits of the earth,” indicates in some way that any of the The two offerings will be accepted. It follows that Cain killed his brother Abel.

The Torah continues the narration of the stormy events that passed through Adam's family. After Cain's crime, he married a woman and they had Hanuk, and after that Cain's family quarreled and became many offspring.
The Torah continues to establish the first human family, and speaks of Seth, who was in place of Abel: "God has put another seed for me in the place of Abel." Seth also knows his wife, who bore a son named Enos.
These are the official accounts of the children of Adam and Eve, and although they showed us the needle and dropped the haystack from the narrative, the questions that arose from them were inevitable, because the family of Adam and Eve is the only basic nucleus of humanity that there was no one else on earth, According to the divine news. Therefore, the question was: How did it multiply? If Eve was created from Adam's soul/rib, then Cain, Abel and Seth did not have women who knew them as happened with their father Adam.
This question called for another narrative arranged by the human mind according to the case, by supposing the birth of a female twin with each of the stomachs of Eve, meaning that Cain brought with him a female twin, as well as Abel. She will be his virtual twin, according to the biblical narration, but in one of the Islamic accounts, Sheth differs from his two previous brothers, as no twins were born with him.

Cain, Abel and Seth did not have women as happened with their father Adam, so where did their wives come from? Were they really the twin sisters they were born with?
We may note that assuming twinning as a solution to finding daughters indicates a match between the creation of Eve from Adam’s soul/rib, as twinning is an egg that splits and produces two embryos, just as Adam splits from himself, and Eve was created from him, whether it was the soul from which her husband was created as in the Qur’an, or the rib As in the Torah, or the rest of the clay that exceeded the creation of Adam, so Eve was created from it.
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After we have laid the groundwork for the first human family, let us get acquainted with the daughters of this family and their ignorant narrative from the official blog, which addressed the revelation of the popular blog, if it is true.
the eldest daughter
She is Cain's twin sister. And Cain means hater, because he hated his sister while she was with him in the womb, so Adam called him "Cain", and he hated him, and he would later turn into love and loyalty. As for the girl, she is called Luluwa, meaning the beautiful, because she was more beautiful than her mother, Eve, according to what was mentioned in the book “The Daughters of Adam and Eve ,” which dates back  to the year 494.  However, this girl had many names that varied according to the multiplicity of sources: Qalaima, Kalmana, Kainan, Azora. . A region, is the designation of Arab sources according to Abu Ishaq al-Thalabi in his book “Al-Kashf and al- Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an ” (1425 AH), and in other Islamic sources, the sister of Cain was Lucia, and the sister of Abel is a region.
Among her other names: " Kalmana", " Azura" or "Awan" and "Luzia", these names were many, according to the sources, but the common denominator between them is that she was the twin of Cain, and that she was more beautiful than the twin of Abel, and for her sake Cain killed his brother.
Adam's daughter was known as "Lulua", meaning "beautiful", because she was more beautiful than her mother, Eve. According to the sources, her names are many, but it is agreed that she was the twin of Cain and more beautiful than the twin of Abel, and for her sake he killed his brother Abel.
Whatever it is, the region that was hated by her brother in the womb of Eve was beautiful and it should have belonged to Abel, and the twinning of Abel to the share of Cain. Adam suggested that each of them make an offering, and leave the judgment to heaven.
The story differs from the Torah in terms of the quality of the offerings. Cain offers from his sheep and Abel from his wheat. As for the devil’s intrusion into Cain’s whispers to kill his brother, in the book “The Daughters of Adam and Eve” a great expansion of this whispering, all of it related to the beautiful “Lulua” who fascinated Cain’s heart, to the extent that he violently abused his mother because she and his father wanted her to marry Abel. After the incident of the sacrificial offerings and the acceptance of heaven from Abel, Cain kills his brother and marries his sister Lulua/a region by force, and raises offspring from her.
Perhaps Cain thought that he and Lula formed after the sexual sin of their parents in heaven, and that Abel's sister is earthly, and this does not fit the position he thought himself about his heavenly origins and Abel's earthly origins.

Abel's sad twins
Abel's twin is called "Akalia", according to the book "Daughters of Adam and Eve", the book "The Conflict of Adam and Eve", and the book "The Cave of Treasures". his wife.
It has been mentioned in other sources that Adam and Eve had other children, but their names remained unknown. As for those mentioned of them, they were five, as stated in the book “ Adam and Eve’s Struggle with Satan ”: Cain, Lulua, Abel, Akliah, and Seth.
When Adam wanted to visit the ancient house in Mecca, he asked the heavens and the mountains to protect his son... What is the secret f   ? our eternal fascination with the story of the first family
The Islamic narrative does not differ much from the Jewish and Christian narrative in mentioning Adam’s sons and daughters, and these accounts agreed on the names of the males, and differed on the names of the females. abdomen. Al-Masudi mentions that Cain wanted his sister Qalima because she was more beautiful than Lyuda, and there was no solution except through offerings.
The result came that heaven accepted Abel's offering and rejected Cain's, so he hated his brother Abel and wanted to kill him. And when Adam wanted to visit the ancient house in Mecca, he asked the heavens and the mountains to protect his son, but they refused, and  Cain confronted  that, and said: Yes, you will return and see your son as it pleases you. Adam returned and found that Cain had killed his brother, and in that the Qur’an said: “We have presented the trustworthy on the heavens, the earth, and the mountains, so that it is that it is made.” Al-Masoudi continues to mention the children of Adam, mentioning the birth of Seth and his twins, and it seems that he married her, and Al-Masudi remained silent about that.
The problem of prohibition, i.e., the marriage of brothers and sisters, has been addressed in the semi-official narratives in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, with each male marrying his other male brother’s twin. Perhaps this solution, which assumed the birth of a female twin with each male of Adam’s children, is due to the fact that the prohibition of sister-marriage, which was stipulated later, will be enforceable with the least objections, as it will be said that the marriage of the two daughters of Adam and Eve to their brothers was an exception.
The Torah’s acceptance of the idea of two brothers, Cain and Abel, marrying two sisters, was not appropriate for some Islamic narratives. It was reported from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq that Cain was married to a fairy called “Johana”, while Abel married a nymph from Paradise named “Hoora’s Inn.”
This assumption that we mentioned above was not raised in relation to one of the Islamic narratives. It was quoted from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, as stated in the book “Bahar al-Anwar,” that Cain was married to a fairy called “Jahana”. As for Abel, he was married to a nymph from Paradise, whose name was "Hoora's Inn". As a consequence, beauty and good manners came to us from Hawra, while bad manners came to us from the fairy. After Abel's murder, Adam was alarmed, and he did not approach Eve for a long time until God decreed that for him, so he gave birth to her by Seth, whom he married to Hawra in Paradise, her name was Nazla, and after Seth he gave birth to her Japheth. Thus, the issue of the prohibition of marriage with sisters in the first family of mankind was resolved.
Anak, the mother of the giant Og
Al-Masoudi mentions in his book “Akhbar Al-Zaman” that “Anak”, the daughter of Adam and Eve, was born single without a brother, and that she was of a strange character, with two heads, and in each hand she had ten fingers, and in each finger there were two fingernails like sickles. It was mentioned that Imam Ali said about her that she was the first person to commit adultery on earth, and she openly committed sins and the use of demons. As for how she had the ability to harness the devil, that is because God sent down names to Adam that the devils obey, and Eve hung her on herself, and she was a protection for her from the devils, except that Anak stole her, worked magic, misled many of Adam’s children, and gave birth to the giant “Oj”. Who survived the flood, and was killed by the Prophet Moses. These heinous acts prompted Adam to pray for her, so God sent a lion to her, like an elephant, who devoured her.
There are many unofficial sources that mention the daughters of the first human family. They were mentioned in the “ Book of the Daughters of Adam ” (494). Pope Gelasius wanted to include this book in the official blog, but the Church did not agree. This means that the book was known before that, and there are many other books that dealt with the biography of the first human family as contained in the book “The Many Faces of Christ: The Thousand Years Story of the Survival and Impact of the Lost Gospels ” (2015), and as stated in the book “The Jewish Jubilees” and the book " Adam and Eve's struggle with Satan ", which dates back to the sixth century, and the book " The Cave of Treasures " by Saint Clement.
The presence of these books is an indication of a decisive desire on the part of humanity to know its origins, from which it descends, even if it departs from the official narrative of religions. This matter enriches the human experience and grants it the right to have its own narrative, whether the heavenly books agree or disagree with them. This means that man is the Caliph of this earth, and he has the ability to rule it and initiate its construction.