How to preserve food and ensure its nutritional value
How to preserve food and ensure its nutritional value 11266 
Food preservation is known as “the science that deals with the process of preventing decay or spoilage of food and thus allowing it to be stored in a condition suitable for future use.” Preservation ensures that the quality, edibility and nutritional value of food remain intact. Preservation includes preventing the growth of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms as well as delaying the oxidation of fats to reduce rancidity. Here we will learn “how to preserve food”.
How to save food
Different ways of preserving food to take care of food, and keep it in different seasons from its original season, especially since fruits are one of the things that spoil soon after they are collected from trees. Likewise, meat quickly degrades immediately upon completion of slaughter, and milk and dairy products are perishable foods, and for their longevity, the appropriate method must be chosen for their preservation.
The process also ensures that there is no change in color or texture. Preservation also includes storing and sealing them tightly to prevent the return of microbes. Food preservation basically ensures that the food remains in its natural state.
Not contaminated with pathogenic organisms or chemicals,
does not lose the ideal qualities of colour, texture, flavor and nutritional value
Food preservation methods
Drying is the oldest method of food preservation. This method reduces the activity of the water, which prevents the growth of bacteria. Drying reduces weight so foods are easier to carry. Both the sun and wind are used for drying as well as modern applications such as bed dryers, bed dryers, freeze drying, rack dryers, spray dryers, commercial food dehydrators, and household ovens. Meats and fruits such as apples, apricots, and grapes are some examples of drying in this way.
Prepared foods are kept in cool stores. Potatoes can be stored in dark rooms but potato preparations should be frozen.
It is the process of cooking food, preserving it, and exposing it to smoke resulting from burning wood. Smoke is antimicrobial and antioxidant and meat and fish are often smoked. Various smoking methods are used such as hot smoking, cold smoking, smoke roasting and smoke baking. Smoking as a preservative increases the risk of cancer.
Vacuum packing
Create a vacuum by making bags and bottles airtight. Since there is no oxygen in the vacuum created, the bacteria die. Usually used for dry fruits.
salting and pickling
Salting, also known as curing, removes moisture from foods such as meat. Pickling means preserving food in brine (brine) or soaking it in vinegar (acetic acid). In Asia, oil is used to preserve foods. Salt kills and inhibits the growth of microorganisms at a concentration of 20%. There are various methods of pickling such as chemical pickling and fermentation. In commercial pickles, sodium benzoate or EDTA is added to increase the shelf life.
It is used in the form of a syrup to preserve the fruit or in a crystallized form if the substance to be preserved is cooked in sugar until crystallization occurs, such as peel and ginger. Another use for glazed fruit that gets a superficial coating from sugar syrup. Sugar is also used with alcohol to preserve fancy foods like fruit in brandy.
SODUIM hydroxide
It makes food alkaline and prevents bacterial growth.
Canning and packing
In bottles means sealing cooked food in sterilized bottles and cans. The container is boiled and this kills or weakens the bacteria. Foods are cooked for different periods or periods. Once the can or bottle is opened, the food is again at risk of spoilage.
It is the preservation of food by cooking in a hardening substance to form a gelatinous substance. Fruit is generally preserved in the form of jelly, marmalade or fruit preserves and the jelly agent is the pectin found naturally in the fruit. Sugar is also added.
A traditional British way of preserving meat by placing it in a pot and closing it with a layer of fat.
Meat is preserved by cooking it in an earthenware pot or casserole. Brine or wine is used to cook meat and sometimes the animal's blood.
Burial in the ground
Preserves food where there is a lack of light, oxygen, low temperatures, pH level, or dried matter in the soil. Used to preserve cabbage and root vegetables.
Pulsed electric field manipulation
It is a new method of preservation that uses short pulses as a strong electric field to manipulate cells. This is still in beta.
modified atmosphere
It preserves food by acting on the atmosphere around it. Hard-to-maintain salad crops are packaged in airtight bags with modified atmospheres to reduce oxygen concentration and increase carbon dioxide concentration.
Controlling the use of living organisms
Controlling the use of organisms is applied to the cheese as it is preserved for a longer time. This method uses benign organisms to preserve food by introducing them to the food where they create an environment unsuitable for the growth of harmful pathogens.
High pressure
High pressure food preservation is a method of pressing foods into a container by applying pressure of 70,000 psi or more. This inactivates microorganisms and prevents spoilage but the food retains its appearance, texture and flavour.
Modified Atmosphere Packaging
Modified atmosphere packaging extends the shelf life of fresh food products. The atmospheric air inside the package is replaced with a protective gas mixture that ensures that the product remains fresh as long as possible.
The seventh methods of food preservation we have is by relying on yeasts to preserve food. To apply this, the following is done: Fermentation is based on converting carbohydrates into some acids and yeasts, and to do this, food is exposed to a certain atmosphere, which is allocated in some refrigerators, and then food becomes against microbial decomposition. The fermentation method prevents mold-causing microorganisms from growing and spreading, increases the validity of the food eaten, and distinguishes the food with its attractive smell and wonderful taste.
Although it is one of the well-known methods of food preservation, it is not recommended to apply it except to the least of its negative side effects and is done through the following: There is a link between canning and preservatives in food preservation, as each is based on the other, and helps such These substances retain the color, flavour, appearance and texture of food. Sodium benzoate is one of the most important preservatives used in the manufacture of various soft drinks as well as juices, and the spread of mold is reduced among acidic substances, so it is used with pickles as well.
The method of pasteurization refers to the boiling of foods, and it is one of the traditional food preservation methods. It is done in the following manner: The method of pasteurization is applied to liquids and milk, in which these drinks are placed on the fire for a period of time in order to reduce the spread of bacteria. The method of pasteurization reduces the damage in food, but it has some drawbacks, such as getting rid of some enzymes and beneficial substances in food.