Agram stores in Oshtin in Imilchil, a forgotten tourist site in the Atlas Mountains
Agram stores in Oshtin in Imilchil, a forgotten tourist site in the Atlas Mountains 1899
Similar to several communal stores located in the High Atlas, especially the Imilchil region and its environs, such as Ujyal stores and others, there are Oshtin stores or in Amazigh "ⵉⴳⵓⴷⴰⵔ ⵏ ⵉⵖⵕⵎ ⵏ ⵓⵛⵟⵟⵉⵏ"
(fell in love)
It is a high place among the rocks to store grain for the Ait Abdi tribes, and it is considered one of the most dangerous stores in Morocco due to its terrain
According to a statement by a resident of the area
He said that the story of the Oshtin warehouses is real, as confirmed by the parents and grandparents, as this collective warehouse belonged to all the Ait Abdi tribes, especially in the villages of Olghazi
Stores form
Agram stores in Oshtin in Imilchil, a forgotten tourist site in the Atlas Mountains 1-441
The stores are formed in the form of houses hanging in the rocks in the form of caves, and they contain small houses, and they were divided into families, the tribe, and it contains a pool of water for the guard who guards it.
The guard removes the wooden ladder, which is the only path to access the stores
The warehouses are located near the village of Al-Ghazi belonging to the Imilshil group, on the course of Wadi Asif

Source: websites