A new NASA report on flying objects.. Agency Director: I believe in the existence of other life in this universe
A new NASA report on flying objects.. Agency Director: I believe in the existence of other life in this universe 1972
NASA released its new report a year after launching an independent investigation led by a group of prominent scientists and aviation experts into UFOs.
Debate has returned in scientific circles about the possibility of the existence of other life in this vast universe, especially after Mexico announced a few days ago that it possessed non-human bodies that were found in the country.

But on the other hand, the US space agency NASA stated that “there is no conclusive evidence indicating the existence of unidentified flying objects outside Earth.”
She added, in a new report, that studying these objects requires new scientific techniques, including advanced satellites, in addition to a shift in how we look at them.
Although the study team did not reveal any evidence indicating that UFOs have an extraterrestrial existence, agency director Bill Nelson expressed his belief in the existence of other life due to the vastness of the universe, which contains billions of galaxies and stars.
A new NASA report on flying objects.. Agency Director: I believe in the existence of other life in this universe 1-801
Nelson said in a press conference: “If you ask me, do I believe in the existence of life in a universe that is so vast that it is difficult to understand, my personal answer is yes.”
What did NASA report say?
NASA issued its new report a year after launching an independent investigation led by a group of prominent scientists and aviation experts into unidentified flying objects.
In the 33-page report, the team warns that negative perception surrounding UFOs poses an obstacle to data collection, but officials agreed that NASA's involvement should help reduce the mystique surrounding unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs).
A new NASA report on flying objects.. Agency Director: I believe in the existence of other life in this universe 1-802
The report stressed the importance of monitoring these phenomena using “multiple, well-calibrated sensors,” noting that NASA has significant “experience” in this field that can be relied upon as part of a “campaign to collect accurate data.”
The committee noted that artificial intelligence and machine learning are necessary to identify rare events, including unidentified flying objects.

Nelson added: “We still do not know what these unidentified flying objects or unidentified flying objects are? Therefore, we are committed to exploring the unknown. I have repeatedly said that we are open and transparent about this.”

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