"Hore" or what is known in Egyptology as "Horus"
"Hore" or what is known in Egyptology as "Horus" 12675
- "Hoor" is the first Egyptian deity in the form of a falcon. His name is in the ancient Egyptian language "Hur", or: "Hoor", and in Greek "Horus", and with this name it was commonly mentioned in Egyptology references. He is one of the most important and oldest Egyptian deities ever, and since his appearance has been associated with the monarchy and the legitimacy of government, as the legitimate heir of his father "Osiris". Accordingly, the king was considered to be “Hoor” on earth, or as his representative on the throne of Egypt, an actual or symbolic representation. He is the ideal of all the kings of Egypt; As he avenged his father "Osiris" from his killer "Set" and he was just, and therefore they took the name "Horus the Living", which is one of the oldest royal titles in ancient Egypt, and his name was mentioned in ancient times associated with the god Hathor and the first scorpion king.
His name appeared on archaeological sources since the beginning of the dynasties, where Horus was depicted in this body on the prayer hall of King “Narmer” while he was restraining the captives from the era of the First Dynasty in Egypt while he held the heads of the defeated enemies of Egypt and presented them to the king, and even the Fourth Dynasty was the title of Pharaoh consisting only From the name of Horus, and during that dynasty the name "Golden Horus" also appeared, as a second title for the king.
The texts of “(Hijr Palermo)” refer to the kings of pre-dynastic times in Egypt that they were known as “Shamsio Hor”, meaning (followers of Hor), and the deity “Hoor” appeared in many images, and its theology expresses that it is one of the most Egyptian deities, depth and breadth in ancient Egyptian theology.

Source : websites