Horus and Set conflict
Horus and Set conflict 1-769
One of the best parts of the story is the period during which the fighting temporarily stopped and both Horus and Set presented their case to the Holy Ennead. Throughout the story, we find that Horus and Set entered into a number of different competitions to determine who would be king. Horus was superior to Set every time. The story begins with a kind of trial in which Set and Horus defend their cases and the Holy Ennead expresses their opinions. Later in the story, fighting begins again between Horus and Set, and in the end the Ennead solves the problem when he decides that Horus is the rightful king of Egypt.
John Gwynn Griffiths, in his book (The Conflict of Horus and Set), dealt with all aspects of the battle for the throne of Eutherion. If you want to read the whole story (link to the Library of Light), I think the book is still available.

Source: websites