Painting by the famous Pablo Picasso
Painting by the famous Pablo Picasso 3-----68
It is by the famous Pablo Picasso and one of his most famous masterpieces. It was completed in March 1932, and the painting was widely known for its diverse interpretations.
The painting depicts "Marie Therese Walter", the woman whom Bekas met in 1930. She greatly interested him and became his favorite subject due to her different spirit and way of thinking closer to surrealism. He wanted to embody this woman who had a unique and distinctive condition, so he used colors and symbols in the painting to show The different ways he sees her and how she also sees herself.
Some interpreted the painting “Girl in Front of a Mirror” as a woman looking in the mirror, but the image of the woman’s reflection is different, which forms the basis of those interpretations. The woman in the painting appears beautiful with smooth skin and large eyes, and I also use colors to enhance the beauty of that woman.
As for the front part reflected in the mirror, I used selected colors combined with raw colors to highlight the differences between the original and the image.

Source: websites