Ibn Rushd(Averroès): The founder of the rational approach, and the most prominent, greatest, and most famous philosopher of Islam
Ibn Rushd(Averroès): The founder of the rational approach, and the most prominent, greatest, and most famous philosopher of Islam  11043
Many centuries ago, Ibn Rushd(Averroès) and his students ignited a revolution of awareness and thinking to liberate minds from the religious merchants of his time. But their revolution failed in Muslim countries, and was a great success in European countries.
Today the same revolution and battle with the merchants of religion has returned, and it will end, God willing, with the great victory of reason and humanity, the defeat of the merchants of religion and the closing of their pages forever.
Historians say: (The Muslim banner fell the day Ibn Rushd’s books were burned, and Europe’s renaissance began the day his ideas reached it...)
The first rule that brought the Spaniards and Europeans out of the tyranny of the Church and its darkness to free thinking and continuous awareness, and settled the relationship between reason and religion, was his saying: (God forbid that He should give us minds and then give us laws contrary to them.)
The second rule: His decisive statement about trade in religions: (Trade in religions is the popular trade in societies where ignorance is widespread. If you want to control an ignorant person, you must cover every falsehood for him with a religious cover, and in this way you control minds...)
The merchants of religion issued their fatwas to burn all his books for fear of teaching them because of the call to awareness, awakening of thinking, and liberation of minds. Indeed, the merchants of religion and their henchmen crawled into his house and burned his books until they became ashes. Under the pretext that it contains atheism, disbelief, and heresy, as they claim... Then one of his students cried bitterly, and Ibn Rushd(Averroès) consoled him with his famous saying:
(My son: If you cry over burning books, know that thoughts have wings that fly with them to their families and companions, and if you cry over the condition of the Arabs and Muslims, know that if you turn the seas of the world into tears, they will not be enough for you.)
Indeed, his ideas took some of his students flying across Europe. It awakened minds, liberated ideas, ignited a revolution against the merchants of religion, and brought down the church’s jurists and their heritage. The Europeans rose, roamed the earth, and reached the horizons of the stars.
Ibn Rushd(Averroès): The founder of the rational approach, and the most prominent, greatest, and most famous philosopher of Islam  12----12
Ibn Rushd(Averroès) lived as a historical symbol until today, until God inherits the earth and those on it.. And the merchants of religion and their henchmen who issued fatwas and invaded his house and burned his books died, and they were all burned, and shame threw them into the dustbin of history, and shame folded them into the depths of oblivion..
To this day, the merchants of religion in our countries are still stuck in the excretory and reproductive systems and their annexes, between their efforts and disagreements, and are busy distributing Paradise to the deserving, and declaring as infidels all who think outside their scope...

Source: websites