?Who is Amenhotep I
?Who is Amenhotep I 1-3053
Together we dive into the depths of history to meet one of the greatest kings of ancient Egypt, King Amenhotep I.
?Who is Amenhotep I
He is the second king of the Eighteenth Dynasty, succeeding his father, King Ahmose. He was not the crown prince, as he had an older brother named Prince Saba-Eri, and he held all the titles that qualified him for the throne. However, death befell him while he was young, and the heir after him to the throne became his brother, Amenhotep I.
* He was famous for his intelligence and wisdom, and achieved many military and construction achievements.
* His era was characterized by stability and prosperity in all fields.
Amenhotep I's mother, Queen Ahmose-Nefertari I, played an important role in his life.
* Where she was his close advisor, (see Queen Nefertari Ahmose’s post) link below
* Amenhotep I married Queen Ahmose-Meritamun and Queen Prinseb
* The latter had a son and heiress, Tuthmosis I.
* He fought wars against the Nubians and Libyans,
* Which led to the expansion of the Egyptian Empire.
* In Karnak, a “gate” was found on the southern side of the temple, twenty-two cubits high, at the double facade of the temple.
*He carved a cave in the Ibrim Mountains in Nubia, and gave it to Netar Satet, one of the sacred waterfalls.
*This king built a small temple in the place of the Deir el-Bahari temple, but Senmut, the engineer of Queen Hatshepsut, removed it from its place to build the queen’s temple. There were found bricks in the name of this king and his mother, Ahmose-Nefertari.
The builders of the Hatshepsut Temple used its blocks to build ramps to raise huge stones, and this discovery is important. It indicates that this place was a chosen site for erecting temples, and it also indicates that the kings of this family did not tamper with the temples of their ancestors, even if they were members of their family. Imhotep
* His reign was characterized by artistic prosperity.
* Many temples and buildings built by Amenhotep I still stand to this day.
* It is a testimony to the greatness of his achievements
* King Amenhotep I left a great legacy to ancient Egypt.
* He is considered one of its most important kings throughout the ages.
* His era was characterized by stability and prosperity.
* He left us many immortal monuments.
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