They competed to be close to him... Jealousy between the wives of the Prophet
They competed to be close to him... Jealousy between the wives of the Prophet 2156
In the Prophet’s biography, there are many hadiths about the Prophet Muhammad’s relationship with his wives, and about disputes that erupted between them out of jealousy.
And if the Prophet stayed longer in the house of one of his wives than the others, doubts would arise in their souls, and a problem often occurred when he touched one of them on the day of the other. And if one of his wives excels in making food and sends it to him while he is in another house, jealousy may erupt in the soul of the owner of the house, and the plate will be destroyed.
And in a hadith on the authority of Aisha, that the Messenger left her at night on one occasion, and she said: I deceived him, so he came and saw what I was doing. He said: What is the matter with you, Aisha? seduced? So I said: Why should someone like me not be jealous of someone like you? He said: Has your demon come to you?
Among the relevant situations is what happened when the Messenger was on a journey, accompanied by his two wives, Aisha and Hafsa, and Hafsa said to Aisha: Will you not ride tonight with my camel, and I will ride with your camel, so you look and see? Aisha agreed to the proposal, as their goal was to learn about the Prophet’s feelings towards each one of them, so Hafsa rode Aisha’s camel and Aisha’s camel Hafsa. Between the Idhkhir (a type of tree), she said: “My Lord, send me a scorpion or a snake that stings me. Your messenger, and I cannot say anything to him.”
The previous narration mentioned in Sahih al-Bukhari did not explain what happened between the Prophet and Hafsa, but it indicates that he realized from the first moment that Aisha’s camel rider was Hafsa, but he preferred to compliment her and comfort her, according to what Muhammad bin Faris al-Jamil mentioned, in his book “The Prophet’s Spouses Aisha placing her feet among the trees asking God to be stung by a scorpion was just an attempt to attract the attention of the Prophet.
"You're talking to a Jew's daughter in my day!"
The Prophet divided his time among his wives, and when he would go beyond the division and go to one of them on the day of the other, sometimes a problem would result. On one of the Prophet’s journeys, he accompanied his two wives, Umm Salamah, and Safiya bint Huyay. So the Messenger of God came to Safiya’s howdah, thinking that it was the howdah of Umm Salamah. Umm Salamah said: “You are talking to the daughter of the Jew, and on my day you are the Messenger of God.” Then, after a short while, she returned to the Prophet, regretting what she had committed, and said: “Oh, Messenger of God, ask forgiveness for me, for I was motivated by that jealousy.”
As the Prophet understood the mentioned position of Umm Salamah, he was more gentle and sympathetic to Aisha in the famous incident that occurred between them because of the camel of Safiya bint Huyay. The burden of this camel was heavy, which made it slow down, while the camel of Aisha was active and its load was light, so the Prophet ordered to transform Safiya’s belongings into Aisha’s camels, and Aisha’s belongings into Safiya camels. Aisha said: “When I saw that, I said, O servants of God, this Judaism has prevailed over the Messenger of God.” So the Messenger of God came to agree with Aisha, and said to her: “Oh Umm Abdullah, your belongings are light, and Safia’s belongings are heavy.”
It seems that Aisha was not convinced of the reason that the Messenger of God told her, so she said: “Do you not claim that you are the Messenger of God?” The Prophet smiled, saying: “Are you in doubt, O Umm Abdullah?” Aisha said: “Are you not claiming that you are the Messenger of God, so would you be just?” And Abu Bakr was close to them, hearing his daughter’s words, so he hurriedly approached her and slapped her face, so the Messenger of God said: “Wait, Abu Bakr.” Abu Bakr replied: “Didn’t you hear what she said?” The Prophet said, seeking an excuse to Aisha: “Jealousy is not Look down the valley from above.
What is noteworthy here is that despite Aisha’s overwhelming rebellion, and her questioning of him about his message, the Prophet addressed her with the most beloved nickname to herself, “Umm Abdullah,” and did not reprimand her, but calmed her father and defended her and attributed what came from her to jealousy that she does not control. .
"Eat your mother's heart"
Although Aisha witnessed Safiya bint Huya’s skill in cooking food, jealousy had another opinion when Safiya sent her maidservant with food she had prepared for the Prophet while he was in Aisha’s house. Aisha says about that: "When I saw the maidservant, I was trembling from the intensity of jealousy, so I hit the bowl (a wooden vessel) and threw it, and she said: The Messenger of God looked at me, and I knew the anger on his face. I said: I seek refuge in the Messenger of God that he curses me today. I said: What is his penance, O Messenger of God? He said: Food is like her food, and a vessel is like her vessel.
Sometimes, it was just a foreplay or spontaneous words from the Prophet to a wife in front of another, or in her house, worthy of igniting the fires of jealousy in the heart of the latter, and making her lose her balance.
In another incident, Umm Salamah sent food to the Messenger of God and his companions while he was in Aisha’s house, so it was only from Aisha that she took a stone and split the page (a vessel other than wood), so the Prophet combined her two pieces, and said to his companions: “Eat your mother’s jealousy” twice, Then he took Aisha's page, sent it to Umm Salamah, and gave what was broken to Aisha.
"Keep it away from me, I don't need it."
As for the famous position known as “the problem of honey”, it was mentioned in many narrations, and perhaps the closest is what was mentioned in Sahih al-Bukhari, that Umm Salamah had honey, and if the Prophet visited her he would stay with her for a long time, which aroused jealousy in the souls of Aisha and Hafsa bint Omar, So they decided to practice a common trick on the Prophet.
They said: "There is nothing more hateful to the Messenger of God than to say to him, We find something smelling from you," i.e., an ugly smell, and they agreed to say that when it came close to them. And when the Prophet entered Aisha's house and approached her, she said: I find something from you, what is wrong with you? He said: “Honey from the house of Umm Salamah.” She said, “Oh, Messenger of God, I see bees that produce honey from the plant of a bad smelling sap.” So the Prophet went out to the house of Hafsa, so we approached her, and she said to him like Aisha, so the Prophet entered upon Umm Salamah after that, so she brought out honey for him, and he said: “Put it on me, I don’t need it.”
There are conflicting narrations in defining the owner of the honey, except that the narration of Aisha mentioned by Ibn Saad in his “Tabaqat” mentioned in detail that the owner of the honey is Umm Salama, and perhaps what strengthens the possibility that Umm Salama mentioned a part of the honey issue and the position of the Prophet with her, it came from Abdullah bin Rafi’ al-Makhzumi said: I asked Umm Salamah about the verse “Oh, the Prophet, why did you forbid what God has made lawful for you, so that you seek to please your spouses?” And God said: Aisha said to him: “Its bee is a bell on a tree” and he forbade it, so this verse was revealed.
But there are many other narrations that mention other reasons for the revelation of the aforementioned verse that are also related to jealousy between the wives of the Prophet, including what was mentioned in the Tafsir of al-Tabari that the Messenger of God was alone with his Coptic slave “Maria” in the house of Hafsa, and the latter was in her father’s house, and when she returned and found them, she became jealous. From the Prophet, except that he forbade himself from cohabiting with Mariah Yameen, so the verse was revealed.
“This is what I have.”
The Prophet was more emotionally inclined to Aisha, which made his wives jealous, so they gathered one day and asked Fatima to go and convey their complaints to him. Fatima responded to their request and said to her father when she met him in Aisha’s house: “Your husbands sent me to you to ask you for justice in the daughter of Abu Quhafa.” The Prophet said: “What intention do you not like what I love?” Fatima said: Yes, the Prophet said: So love this (referring to Aisha), Fatimah went back to his wives and told them what he had said.
The jealousy of the Prophet’s wives towards Aisha appeared in several situations, because the Prophet used to say publicly that the latter was the most beloved of his wives to him. In the hadith of Amr ibn al-Aas, he asked the Prophet: Who is the most beloved of people to you, O Messenger of God? He said: Aisha. He said: Who are the men? He said: Her father. Consequently, the women of the Prophet were not convinced by what Fatimah said, and they asked her to come back again, and she said to them: By God, I will never speak to him about it.
When the Prophet married Asmaa bint al-Nu’man al-Kindi, and she was very beautiful, and before he consummated her marriage, one of his wives told her that he liked a woman if she entered upon him, saying: “I seek refuge in God from you.” When the Prophet entered her and closed the door, she said: “I seek refuge in God from you.” So the Prophet put his sleeve on his face, covered himself with it and divorced her.
The insistence on seeking justice of the heart from the Prophet between his wives, made them seek the help of Zainab bint Jahsh, one of his wives, to repeat what Fatimah had said, and in fact she went to the Messenger of God in the house of Aisha, and she said to him: “Oh, Messenger of God, your husbands sent me to you asking you for justice in the daughter of Abu Quhafa.” ". Aisha says: "Then she fell on me, and she stretched out on me while I was watching the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and watch his edge. Will he allow me to do so?" He resembled her until I bowed down on her. She said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said and smiled: She is the daughter of Abu Bakr.
It was known that the Prophet was fair between his wives in his time and in many matters, but what they were asking for, according to the previous narration, is justice in emotional inclination, and this is the heart, and it is a matter that the Prophet has no help in, as he said in his hadith in this regard to Umm Salamah: “No You hurt me in Aisha.” And also: “Oh God, this is what I do with what I own, so do not blame me for what you own and do not own.”
“It is the love of your father and the Lord of the Kaaba.”
The matter was not easy and simple between the wives of the Prophet. Sometimes, it was just foreplay or spontaneous words from the Prophet to a wife in front of another, or in her house, worthy of igniting the fires of jealousy in the heart of the latter, and causing her to lose her balance.
In a story that combines Aisha with another of the Prophet’s wives (Umm Salama in one version, and Zainab bint Jahsh in another), the Prophet made Aisha flirt with a movement of his hand, without realizing that the “second” was present, until Aisha alerted him to the matter, so he held back. From the “second” except that she revolted in the face of Aisha, so the Prophet began to forbid her, but she did not finish, and they exchanged insults, so the “second” went to Fatima’s house, and told her that Aisha did such and such, so Fatima came to her father telling him what she heard, so the Prophet turned to her and said: It is the grain of your father and the Lord of the Kaaba.” Aisha means.
Once again, the Prophet's "diplomacy" between his wives is evident. He allowed Zainab to protest Aisha's observation, and allowed Aisha to defend herself, and he did not threaten any of them in any way, but left everyone to vent his feelings.
"I seek refuge in God from you"
The famous incident of the Prophet's marriage to Asma bint al-Nu'man al-Kindi, which did not last for hours until he divorced her, was caused by jealousy. In the narration of Ibn Sa`d on the authority of al-Waqidi with multiple chains of transmission, that al-Nu`man came to the Prophet in Medina as a Muslim, and he said: “Shall I not marry you to the most beautiful widow of the Arabs who was under her cousin, and he passed away on her behalf, and she desired you and landed on you?” Indeed, the Prophet married her. When she came to Madinah, and she was one of the most beautiful people of her time, Aisha said at the time: "The Prophet put his hand in strange things about to turn his face away from us."
And when she began to prepare for the Prophet to enter her, Aisha said to Hafsa: You paint her and I comb her, so they did, then one of them said to Asmaa that the Prophet likes a woman if she enters him and says: “I seek refuge in God from you.” When the Prophet entered her and closed the door, she said: “I seek refuge in God from you.” The Prophet put his sleeve on his face, covered himself with it, and said: “I seek refuge with God” three times. Al-Waqidi said: "No other woman sought refuge from him, but was deceived by her beauty and appearance, and the Prophet did not punish his wives for this trick that caused him embarrassment, but only said: They are the companions of Yusuf and their plot is great."