Natural sleep aids
Natural sleep aids 194
Getting enough sleep is an important foundation for good health. Sleep helps the body and brain function properly. A good night's sleep improves learning, memory, decision-making, and creativity.
Getting enough sleep is also linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and obesity.
Keep in mind that good sleep often begins with good sleep practices and habits, however for some this is not enough, and if you need a little extra help getting a good night's sleep consider trying natural sleep-enhancing supplements.
* Natural Supplements to Promote Sleep
1) Melatonin
This hormone determines when your body goes to sleep and wake up, and some research suggests that melatonin supplements can alleviate sleep problems such as jet lag, difficulty sleeping, and melatonin is safe for healthy adults if taken for only a few weeks or months Its
side effects include headache, dizziness and nausea.
How do you take it? Try to take 1-3 milligrams two hours before bed.
2) Lavender
Try inhaling this purple flower before your bedtime. The smell of lavender slows down the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and skin temperature, and this can help sleep. A study found that people who slept in a room planted with lavender had a more deep and restful sleep. Of those who slept in an empty room.
Therefore, it is recommended to put a few drops of lavender oil on the pillow before bed, or put it in the diffuser of your bedroom.
is a chemical in the brain that helps you sleep and relax, and some sleep aids work by helping GABA work better, but GABA cannot be used directly to aid sleep; Where scientists have not proven that this substance can pass from the bloodstream directly to the brain.
This perennial plant has been used as a sleep aid for hundreds of years, and this plant raises GABA levels in the brain, which helps with relaxation and deep sleep. It is believed that cat marijuana is safe in the short term, but it may sometimes cause headaches and stomach pain.
How to take: Take 300-600 mg two hours before bed, or drink 2-3 grams of the dried root in a glass of water.
5) Kava:
This plant is eaten in the South Pacific to relieve anxiety, and research indicates that kava is also useful for aiding sleep, and may also relieve stress-related insomnia.
But kava supplements may cause serious liver damage; So talk to your doctor if you're considering kava, and a supplement made from the root only and not the stem or leaves may be safer.
6) California poppy
It's related to the opium poppy, but it's a different type of flower, and it's used in traditional medicine as a sedative, and scientists have found that it helps raise levels of GABA, the relaxation-promoting chemical.
How can it be taken? 600 mg can be taken before bed and is likely to be safe for short periods of time. Possible side effects include stomach problems.

7) Glycine
This tiny amino acid can have a huge impact on sleep; It raises the level of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that affects sleep.
It helps increase blood flow and lowers body temperature, both of which aid sleep. Glycine supplements are considered safe, and 3 grams can be taken an hour before bed.
8) Chamomile
Many people enjoy chamomile as a soothing herbal tea. This daisy-like plant has a calming effect thanks to an antioxidant called apigenin; It acts on some brain receptors that help with relaxation and sleep, and chamomile is safe, but it can interact with some medications.
Drink a cup of chamomile tea before bed or take 200-270 milligrams of chamomile extract twice daily.
9) 5-HTP
It is short for 5-hydroxytryptophan, a compound your body makes from foods, and your body uses 5-HTP to make melatonin, an important sleep hormone.
Some studies suggest that 5-HTP supplements made from plant seeds may help you sleep. Experts recommend taking 100-300 milligrams before bed. Side effects of this compound include nausea and headache.
10) Passion flower
has long been used for its calming properties as it contains GABA. Studies have reported that people get some sleep and rest when they sip a mug of passion flower tea, and experts say that passion flower appears safe in the short term.
11) Magnesium
Low levels of magnesium may cause difficulty falling asleep, or difficulty staying asleep, and studies show that magnesium improves sleep in older adults.
Get enough magnesium through food such as nuts and leafy greens. Women need 310 to 320 milligrams per day, while men need 420 milligrams.
Ask your doctor if you need to take magnesium as a supplement, as too much magnesium can cause nausea and cramps.
12) Tart cherry juice Cherry
tart is a natural source of melatonin, the main sleep hormone, and research shows that drinking cherry juice raises the secretion of melatonin in the body, and also helps people sleep healthier and for a longer period, and you can have a glass of cherry juice before bedtime. hourly.

Natural Sleep Aids & Supplements

9 Natural Sleep Aids That Are Backed by Science