The 10 strangest scientific hypotheses that will make you lose your mind because of their strangeness
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The scientific community defines the word “theory” as a set of hypotheses that aim to explain a phenomenon in nature. The theory differs from the hypothesis in that the first is supported by a set of evidence and observations, while the hypothesis is just a guess that lacks a scientific basis of evidence.
In this article, we will list some of the strangest scientific hypotheses:
1. Technological Singularity:
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Some "futurists", such as the supervisor of the development department at Google, "Ray Kurtsweil", see that in the coming years we will live in a state of technological exclusivity, as we will transcend the biological stage and merge with supernatural intelligence, as many companies are developing superhuman programs for artificial intelligence similar to Google Inc. AI of inventor “Elon Musk”, and artificial intelligence is likely to have the ability to self-development and exceed human intelligence by several times. ( source )
2. DNA contains a programming language of supernatural beings:
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There is a hypothesis that instead of searching for evidence of supernatural beings from another civilization using telescopes, we should search using a microscope inside our DNA.
Vladimir Scherbak of Al-Farabi Kazakh University in Kazakhstan and Maxim Kakukov of the Visinkop Institute for Space Research believe that human DNA contains an encoded message from supernatural beings, in this case, "biological beta" as it is known, involving patterns Mathematical and ideological coded in a priori symbolic language, in other words, intelligent species could have encoded messages into our DNA. ( source )
3. Predictive Programming:
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Predictive programming is the idea that governments incorporate messages into the media, pop music, and other means in order to psychologically prepare the general citizenry to embrace a set of pre-made convictions. It is, of course, a conspiracy theory.
Many people believe that instances of predictive programming are mere clashes with synchronicity and “ déjà vu ,” and others say that “shadow groups” control citizens through coded signals through media channels. ( source )
4. Retrospective clairvoyance: future events can affect current perception:
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In January 2011, Dr. Daryl Beam of Cornell University wrote a controversial paper titled “Feeling the Future: An Experimental Evidence for Aberrant Retroactive Effects on Cognition and Affect,” which described a series of experiments he conducted to show that our decisions are not quite as decided as we expect. Dr. Beam believes that future events can influence our current perception of the present.
Working on the hypothesis that there are “anomalous transfers of energy or information that cannot be explained by current physics or biology,” Bem tested the ability of 1,000 college students to correctly select random information.
In one study, Beam administered a random memory test to a group of students, where they randomly categorize words and later use their memory to remember their decisions about choices. Beam's results showed that students were more likely to remember the words in the present if they memorized them later! ( source )
5. Our world is a computer simulation game:
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If you and I and every person or thing in this universe are just characters in a massive computer game, then we can't in any way realize that. The idea that the universe is nothing more than a computer simulation sounds like a plot from the movie (The Matrix), but it's also a self-sustaining scientific hypothesis.
A well-known argument for the simulation hypothesis suggests that members of an advanced civilization possess computers with enormous capabilities that allow them to run a range of simulations on less advanced civilizations, and perhaps they will be able to run many, many simulations in which most brains are just virtual brains.
Further support for this hypothesis comes from astrophysics, where the scientist James Gates found in his latest research on string theory, specifically deep inside the equation we use to explain our universe, a computer code, and this is supposed to be the first clue that will lead to a host of other research Receiving. (Sources: 1 , 2 , 3 )
6. The Fermi Paradox:
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The Fermi Paradox is a hypothesis originally put forward by the physicists “Enrico Fermi” and “Michael Hart”, which indicates a contradiction between the possibility of the existence of millions of civilizations other than ours and the lack of the smallest evidence of their existence.
If the Drake Equation is true, and there were already millions of advanced civilizations in our galaxy alone, then why haven't we received any signals or messages from them? This is what is known as the "Greatest Silence".
There have been some interesting solutions proposed over the years to explain this paradox of which simulation theory is one of them. ( source )
7. The multiverse:
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We live in a multiverse, which contains an infinite number of worlds.
It is called the hypothesis of parallel universes, we do not need to say much about this hypothesis, as it is known and widespread, which in turn contains many hypotheses, one of which is that there are an infinite number of cosmic bubbles that appear and disappear, and it is assumed that our universe is one of these bubbles, which also suggests that The Big Bang is just the beginning of a single cosmic bubble in a vast sea of ​​universes. ( source )
8. Death Nightmare Syndrome:
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The Japanese call it bok-kuri, the Filipinos call it pangugot or patipat, while in Vietnam and Laos it is called tsup tsuwang.
Some Taiwanese men who wear lipstick and sleep in order to deceive the night ghosts believe that they are the "V-Am" or "widow's ghost", an evil spirit very similar to the character "Freddy Krueger" in "A Nightmare on Elm Street" or a character The ghost in "The Grudge", which steals the souls of young men as they sleep. All of the above designations refer to one thing: the “ghost of death syndrome.”
The phrase first arose during an investigation in 1960 when Dr. Gonzalo Aponte was called to the US Naval Hospital in Guam to investigate the deaths of 11 Filipino sailors who apparently inexplicably died in their sleep after days of complaining about some nightmares. Although the autopsy showed some tangible details; However, Aponte looked into the case further, and found reports of sudden death at night dating back to 1917. ( Source )
9. Project Blobem or Project Blue Beam: The government is engineering a fake invasion of supernatural beings from space!
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This hypothesis was first proposed by the Canadian journalist “Serge Monast” in 1994 and aims that the “New World Order” will fabricate an invasion of supernatural beings from space to Earth using highly advanced holographic technology, with the aim of bringing the world under its control and establishing a unified world religion. ( source )
10. Dark matter creates its own parallel universe:
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Some cosmologists believe that they have found a second type of dark matter that is not scattered and that interacts spontaneously with itself.
These properties were published in a study conducted by the scientist “Christopher Feniger” from the University of Amsterdam in 2012, where he monitored strange levels of radiation in the center of the galaxy, which led him to believe that this is a signal from invisible dark matter turning into something visible.
Now cosmologists have to develop strange concepts based on a strange concept, which is that dark matter may be as diverse and diverse as normal matter, that is, it is possible that there are dark stars around which dark planets revolve that may be inhabited by dark life as well, which goes beyond our current understanding of the universe and its laws. . ( source )