The Tale of Aladdin and the Magic Lantern
The Tale of Aladdin and the Magic Lantern 1349
Many books and magazines tell the story in this way: "It is said in ancient times that there was a poor young man named Aladdin, who had an uncle who was greedy and selfish..
One day Aladdin went to his uncle to help him search for the treasure inside the magical cave, and when he went down to the cave to retrieve the treasure from it, suddenly the door of the cave had closed, and Aladdin's uncle had not entered the cave and left him and went and did not pay any attention to him.
Aladdin remained locked in the cave, and walked among the very shiny treasures, and suddenly a very old lamp caught his attention and grabbed it, and wiped the dust off it, and then the lamp began to vibrate, and a very large genie came out of it, the genie thanked Aladdin for taking him out of the lamp, and told him “you can ask and whatever you wantI will do in exchange for liberating me from the lamp. Without thinking Aladdin asked him to take him out of the cave and the genie did what he asked of him.

Aladdin lived in a city called (Qamar al-Din), and there was a beautiful princess known as Jasmine, and Alaa was constantly watching her when she sat on the balcony of her palace because he fell in love with her but he never thought of being associated with her because he is a poor young man, and she certainly will not accept him, and her father will refuse to marry him off because of his poverty, and when Aladdin returned home he told his mother the story, after which he asked the genie a lot of money, jewelry and gifts to apply to Princess Jasmine's engagement, other than The Sultan refused and told Alaa that the princess was engaged to the minister's son.
On the day of Yasmin's wedding to the son of the minister, Aladdin ordered the genie to make her see the hidden side of the minister, for what he really is that he is an arrogant and foolish young man in order to refrain from marrying him, and indeed the genie did so and the celebration ended without Princess Yasmine marrying him, and then Aladdin applied to her engagement again, and the Sultan agreed on one condition, which is that Aladdin build a large palace for the princess. Aladdin ordered the genie to build it, and the genie did so, and Aladdin married Princess Yasmine, and lived the palace accompanied her.
Aladdin's uncle learned of what had happened, disguised himself as a lamp seller, then went to Aladdin's palace, persuaded the princess to replace the old lamp with a shiny new lamp, and the princess agreed to this proposal without knowing that the lamp was magical, and when Aladdin returned to the palace, and learned of this happening, he knew that his uncle had done so and told Yasmine the story, and then went to his uncle under the pretext that he wanted to ask for his forgiveness, and during that Aladdin returned the lamp from his uncle without knowing, and took out the genie From him, the genie told Aladdin that he did not want freedom, and wanted to serve him permanently, because he was a young man who was honest, of good manners, and very kind, so Aladdin, Jasmine, his mother, and the genie lived in safety and peace. "

This tale goes back to  the tales of "One Thousand and One Nights" and the writer  Richard Leah says: The Syrian French Yasmine Seal is the first woman to fully translate the book "One Thousand and One Nights" from its French and Arabic sources, and the writer points out that the story of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp was first published in 1712, within the book One Thousand and One Nights by the French writer Antoine Gallande,  and  has been published in the book One Thousand and One Nights by the French writer Antoine Gallande.    Information has emerged confirming that a Maronite Syrian traveler and writer named Hanna Diab, whom Gallan mentions as the source of Aladdin's story and also the story of Ali Baba.Tale of Aladdin and the Magic Lantern