Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes)
                                        Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes) 71112    
How do we make apple cider vinegar (or vinegar) from nothing? Here is a very simple recipe that explains all the stages of preparation.
Making your own apple cider vinegar is the best way to consume apple cider vinegar naturally and without additives! And if you start with a ready-made organic apple cider vinegar, that's even better. To prepare vinegar, we must start from the mother of vinegar. But how do we prepare apple cider vinegar if we are starting from scratch?
? What is the mother of vinegar
Mother of vinegar, according to Wikipedia, is a substance made of a type of cellulose produced by acetic acid bacteria during the acidification process that produces vinegar.
How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar: Recipe to Start Preparation
Start by filling a glass or earthenware bowl with 4/5 of organic apple cider vinegar 3-4.5 degrees and 1/5 of organic apple cider vinegar.
Cover the top of the bowl with a clean cloth and secure it with a rubber band (to keep insects out and allow air to speed up the fermentation process).
After 3 to 4 weeks, away from light and heat, a crust will form on the surface and this is a good indication and means that the acidification process by bacteria has begun.
Allow the mixture to ferment and “simmer” further until the layer becomes thicker (around the ninth week).
Then, lift a piece of the toppings and a little bit of vinegar and start making another batch with a little more apple cider (organic of course) than you used last time (apple cider vinegar). Here you have started making apple cider vinegar that you have to leave in a glass or earthenware bottle (and so on, you can repeat the process indefinitely!)
The process is very simple and takes less than 5 minutes. I make about 2 or 3 batches of about 2 liters at a time.
It is important for homemade vinegar to have a density meter to make sure the vinegar is acidic enough…
Learn more about the mother (apple cider vinegar of course!)
Below you will find some pictures of its appearance, composition and use. Undoubtedly, the appearance of the mother of vinegar is strange, disgusting or disgusting to some.
It is relatively solid and a bit sticky, but not too much. This layer always forms at the top of the bowl and is in the form of a thin layer that gradually becomes thicker. If it is shaken or shaken violently, it will fall to the bottom. But don't worry, a new layer will form on top.
This is a two layer image. They were at the bottom of the bowl:
 Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes) 7275
They are relatively thick (about 1 cm) and
it's the thickest mother-of-pearl I've been able to find so far.
 Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes) 7424
m again in the same bowl
Sometimes when another layer begins to form in the same bowl, the two layers can be mixed together to eventually form a larger vinegar.
Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes) 7424 
Umm al-khal formation begins with a thin, floating layer, as shown in the image above. This formed over several months in the bowl of apple cider vinegar he used. So, if the mother-of-pearl has been damaged, you can try to do it again with apple cider vinegar that you make yourself.
Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes) 7521 
I added it to a new batch: a 4-quart bowl that I filled halfway with applesauce.
Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes) 7620 
Apply mother vinegar to the surface as much as possible. And don't worry if you fall down. You can also add a little apple cider vinegar. The amount of vinegar should be greater if you are preparing large quantities to ensure that the apple cider vinegar ferments properly. If for some reason the mold appears, throw it all away and start over.
Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes) 7722 
I cover the bowl with a piece of cloth and fix it at the sides to allow the leavening gas to escape. After the mother is formed, you can see things like this pop up.
Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes) 7822 
...or such small sediments scattered at the bottom. They are natural and harmless and do not negatively affect the taste. Therefore, there is no need to worry.
Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes) 7915 
You can strain the apple cider vinegar when you're done if you'd like. There is an easy and simple way to do this: use a coffee filter. There isn't much to clear out, you'll only remove the floating bits.
You can count as many quantities as you like. The mother of vinegar is easy to prepare and increasing its quantities is easy. When I store one, I put it in a small bowl, cover it with apple cider vinegar, and stir it every two months.
? Why store apple cider vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar Or Vinegar: The Method Of Preparation Approved By The Experts (Does Not Need More Than 5 Minutes) 8020 
I store umm al-khal in case I want to manufacture a new batch while the previous batch is still fermenting and has not yet matured, and in case I lose a mother during the process (due to negligence and error). Pictured above, from right to left, is stored mother vinegar, ready-to-use filtered apple cider vinegar and a new batch you just started making.

Apple cider vinegar should be stored under all its forms, from mother of vinegar to the final filtered product, in a cool, dark place away from light such as a cupboard.
So, this is how to make mother of vinegar and use it to produce an endless supply of apple cider vinegar.