Have you ever wondered about the Adam's apple? Here's what you might need to know about it
Have you ever wondered about the Adam's apple? Here's what you might need to know about it 1284
The Adam's apple, that prominent protrusion from the neck below the chin, and it usually appears in men more than women, and which is sometimes classified as one of the signs of a man's handsomeness, is in fact no particular function for it!
Adam's apple is a mass of cartilage that protrudes from the larynx.
But, what is the anatomy of the Adam's apple? And why does it grow if it does not have a specific function? What is the difference between the Adam's apple in a man and in a woman? The specialized website "Medical News Today" answers these questions:
What is the Adam's apple?
The Adam's apple is a cartilaginous mass that protrudes from the larynx, is more visible in men, and has no particular function.
The Adam's apple grows during puberty, and is not present in children before that. Its size varies among people, and surgeries can be performed to reduce the size of the Adam's apple or remove it completely.
Why does the Adam's apple grow?
During puberty, the larynx grows and increases in size, pushing forward the developing Adam's apple. The larynx is located in the front of the neck and contains the vocal cords, which are folds of tissue that vibrate to produce sounds.
Have you ever wondered about the Adam's apple? Here's what you might need to know about it 2144
The Adam's apple is usually larger in a man than in a woman
In addition to other organs such as the mouth and nose, the larynx is responsible for producing sound, and is also responsible for blocking the respiratory tract when swallowing.
The larynx grows and doubles in size at puberty, and the larger its size, the thicker the sound, because there is more space for the vibrations to reverberate.
The cartilage around the larynx is protective to protect it from injury, and the Adam's apple, which is protruding due to the growth of the larynx, does not perform any specific function.
The difference between the Adam's apple in women and men
The Adam's apple is present in women as it is in men, except that it is more prominent in men, because their larynxes grow faster and larger during puberty.
A large larynx explains why men have higher and rougher voices than women, but it is important to know that there are some exceptions.
Hormonal differences affect the development of the larynx and Adam's apple as well, which explains why some men have softer and louder voices than others. For the same reason, some women have stronger or thicker voices, similar in intensity and loudness to men's voices.
Adam's apple removal and plastic surgery
The size of an Adam's apple does not have a direct impact on an individual's overall health in any way, but its size becomes a problem if a person feels that it does not fit their appearance or gender identity.
For example, women do not prefer a large and prominent Adam's apple because it gives a masculine character to some, and in return some men may want to have a larger Adam's apple for the same reason.
Have you ever wondered about the Adam's apple? Here's what you might need to know about it 655
Adam's apple may be a sign of laryngeal disease
It is possible to enlarge the Adam's apple through a surgical operation in which cartilage is taken from another part of the body and then implanted in it. It can also be reduced by removing excess cartilage around the thyroid gland.
Could the size of an Adam's apple be a sign of health problems?
The Adam's apple does not perform any medically related function, and its size is usually not related to a person's health status. But in some cases, the large size of the Adam's apple is caused by a tumor in the larynx or in the surrounding areas, which causes the apple to appear larger. Some of the reasons for this are:

Throat Cancer.
Thyroid cancer.
During puberty, the larynx grows and increases in size, pushing the Adam's apple, which is also in the process of development, forward, and from here it protrudes from the neck
The treatment of an enlarged Adam's apple varies according to the cause, and the doctor may resort to prescribing antibiotics or cortisone, or to perform surgery in cases of cancer.
