Five times larger than Earth... the discovery of a planet covered by a layer of water
Five times larger than Earth... the discovery of a planet covered by a layer of water 1361
Astronomers said that they had spotted a planet far from Earth, covered by a thick layer of water, in what is likely to be habitable, due to the distance that separates it from the sun.
According to the Daily Mail, the planet, which is a hundred light-years away from Earth, resembles some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
It is estimated that this planet, which is covered by a vast ocean, exceeds the planet Earth in terms of mass and area.
This planet, which was called "TOI-1452 b", is among the planets located outside the solar system, and it was discovered by an international team of researchers.
This scientific discovery was made under the supervision of researcher Charles Cadio, an academic at the Canadian University of Montreal, and a member of the Exoplanet Research Institute.
Scientists were able to discover the planet thanks to the reliance on the well-known US space agency "NASA" telescope known as "TESS".
The telescope is tasked with a wide observation of the sky, in an effort to find planetary systems close to us from the solar system.

"I am very proud of this discovery, because it reveals the important capabilities of the research we have done," said Rene Dayon, a researcher at the University of Montreal.
It took the researchers 50 hours to estimate the size of the planet, which is likely to be five times larger than Earth.
It is likely that the discovered planet outside the solar system is of a rocky nature, that is, it is similar to the planet Earth, but it differs in other aspects such as size, density and diameter.
The planet we live on is a very dry planet, even if we call it a blue planet sometimes, because water covers 70 percent of its area.
But water makes up only a very small percentage of the Earth's mass, less than 1 percent.

Source: Sky News Arabia