An exciting astronomical discovery of a “fluffy, fluffy, candy” planet larger than Jupiter that can float on water
An exciting astronomical discovery of a “fluffy, fluffy, candy” planet larger than Jupiter that can float on water 14-26
Astronomers have discovered a new planet that is “fluffy and fluffy” like candy, despite being larger than the giant of our solar system, Jupiter.
According to a study published in the journal Nature Astronomy, scientists found that the planet, called WASP-193b, is very thin and its density is remarkably low in relation to its size, as it is believed to consist mostly of hydrogen and helium gas.
The newly discovered gas planet is the second least dense planet discovered by astronomers, and it poses a mystery to experts because of its size, which is about 50% larger than Jupiter.
According to Khaled Al-Barqawi of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “the planet is very thin” because it consists mostly of light gases, not solid materials. More studies will have to be done before astronomers can answer questions about it.
An exciting astronomical discovery of a “fluffy, fluffy, candy” planet larger than Jupiter that can float on water 14-27
Scientists said that WASP-193b, which is believed to be so light that it can float on water, is ideal for studying the formation and evolution of planets.
The planet is located outside our solar system, about 1,200 light-years away (one light-year is equivalent to 9 trillion km), and it revolves around a star similar to the sun. It is believed that the heat emanating from it, which it revolves around every six days, could lead to the inflation of its atmosphere.
The appearance of the fluffy planet comes days after researchers revealed the existence of a “super-Earth” located in the Milky Way Galaxy, about 41 light-years from Earth.

"The atmosphere is likely rich in carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide, but it could also contain other gases," said Renyu Hu, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and lead author of the study published in the journal Nature. Such as water vapor and sulfur dioxide. "Current observations cannot determine the exact composition of the atmosphere" of the planet, he added.
Scientists added that the planet "cannot be habitable" because it is too hot to contain liquid water.

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