A terrifying lizard.. that lived millions of years ago and preyed on huge creatures
A terrifying lizard.. that lived millions of years ago and preyed on huge creatures 11088 
Recently, paleontologists revealed more details about a very huge lizard, which lived tens of millions of years ago, and was famous for its teeth similar to a killer whale, in the middle of the oceans.
According to the British newspaper, "Daily Mail", the huge lizard known as Thalassotitan atrox belongs to the genus "Mosasaurs", that is, aquatic lizards that eat meat.
This huge lizard, which lived in the Cretaceous period 66 million years ago, was growing up to 9 meters in length.
Researchers from the British University of Bath had discovered the fossils of this huge lizard, and suggested that its huge teeth and large skeleton helped it prey on major marine animals.
The researchers spotted remains of potential victims of this lizard, including a large predatory fish, a sea turtle, as well as a half-meter-long sea reptile head.
The researcher, Nick Longrich, who led the study, described the huge lizard as "wonderful and terrifying."
While dinosaurs were the most powerful on Earth 94 million years ago, it is likely that mosasaurs dominated the seas during that early period of history.
These huge lizards were able to grow to a length of 12 meters, until they looked like dragons, with a tail akin to a shark.
The remains of the lizard, whose name means "terrifying sea monster", were discovered near the city of Casablanca, western Morocco.
