5of the strangest creatures that lived in the mysterious Amazon forests
5of the strangest creatures that lived in the mysterious Amazon forests 1733
As we learned earlier about the strange creatures of the Amazon forest, we will discuss in this article stranger creatures. Although the first is rare, it does exist and there are many samples.
But what we are about to get to know now may be a fantasy that we only see in movies.
The strange thing is that the local tribes in the Amazon witnessed its existence. Even strangers are hunters and some scientists who led several expeditions to validate their existence.
While the opinion of the other half of the scholars was certain of its extinction long ago, no one denied its existence.
mappingware creatures
The noisy beast or the foul-smelling beast, an exact copy of the sloth, but double in size and even giant. It is about 6 feet long and is distinguished by its red fur and curved claws.
His first name was derived from his annoying voice and his loud and loud snarling. And his second name came from the unbearable hatred of his smell. It is rumored that his skin is so thick that it cannot be pierced by bullets. It was seen in the areas where wild boars of the peccary type are present, so it is believed that it follows them.
5of the strangest creatures that lived in the mysterious Amazon forests 1-1505
mappingware creatures
In the testimonies of the tribes and the locals, they said that it was monitored by the residents of the region at night. That is, he would be hiding all day. It is a vegetarian animal that feeds on trees using its huge claws, and it is very common and well known among them.
Fishermen's testimonials
The hunter, Mario Pereira de Souza, said that in 1975, while he was out hunting peccaries on the banks of a river, he was surprised by that large creature with red fur and long claws. And he was emitting a very bad smell that made him dizzy all day.
Another fisherman named Manuel Vetrino dos Santos, he and his team went hunting for peccaries in the late 1990s. A very bad smell spread in the place, and their ears fell silent with loud and frightening screams. According to the alleged fisherman's story, he said that he caught his catch and fled towards the river. And he walked in it until the water reached his chest, to see from a distance something walking among the trees, and it seemed that it was gigantic through its movement between them. His thunderous voice, too, was getting louder as he finally approached. To stand before his eyes that creature that looks like a huge bear with the face of a monkey and large claws.
Scholars testimonials
1_ David C. Oren: Ornithologist and expert on Amazonian diversity, where the latter made several efforts. He led several expeditions in the Amazon in search of the Mapengwari. Defying the difficulties of the rainforest and penetrating into its depths. And what he came up with were 100 Aboriginal horror stories. He also found samples of hair and footprints, but their affiliation with the creature was not proven conclusively.
2 _ Bernard Heuvelmans: One of the most famous hidden creatures scientists. Where he was the owner of the theory that the Mabengwari creature is real and existent. It belongs to the race of the ground sloth, which became extinct 1000 years ago, because they have the same characteristics. While some believe that these creatures are just legends from Amazonian folklore. Where the residents of the region tell that he is the shaman who found the secret of immortality, so the gods punished him by turning him into a scary, foul-smelling monster.
Marikoxi creatures or humanoids
5of the strangest creatures that lived in the mysterious Amazon forests 1-1506
1_ Percy Fawcett: explorer and leader of an expedition to search for a lost city in the heart of the Amazon. The latter recounted that during his journey he was attacked by humanoid creatures covered with thick hair. Arrows and bows are used as weapons and communicate with each other with strange grunts. While she was very terrified of the sound of gunfire while the crew members were defending themselves in front of these creatures.
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Hominins: Fact or Myth
2 _ Some eyewitnesses: They described these creatures as similar to monkeys. But with a human body, its length ranges from the length of a small dwarf to 12 feet.
Giant snakes
1_ Percy Faust: He was mentioned in one of his reports in 1906 (he is very well known for his accurate description). He and his crew encountered the largest snake he had ever seen, which he said was about 19 meters long. and shot him when he attacked him on the banks of the Rio Abuna. Where he also mentioned that the residents told him that there are snakes that reached a length of 24 meters.
2 _ Testimonies of local residents: Several individuals narrated that there are huge snakes that reach imaginary lengths from 37 to 50 meters. It is about 1.8 meters wide. According to them, the green anaconda is a dwarf species, as they said that the latter has two types, the regular one and the other with two horns. These giant snakes have a long history among the local tribes. They are present in their inscriptions in the ancient Mayan caves.
3_ Priest Victor Heinz: He was exposed to it twice during his outings across the Amazon. The first time was on May 22, 1922. Where he and his crew glimpsed a huge snake up to 24.5 meters long running with the course of the river. And the second time in 1929 they saw another huge snake dragging the river towards them. Her eyes are so big that at first they thought they were the lights of another boat.
4_ The two explorers, Mike and Craig Warner: Where the brothers carried out an expedition to search for these snakes. Indeed, they found huge trenches that were probably used as dwellings. One of them also took a picture of a giant snake measuring 40 meters long and 6 feet wide. In addition to several reports of eyewitnesses from the indigenous people of the region.
5of the strangest creatures that lived in the mysterious Amazon forests 1--702
Giant Snakes: Are They Really Found in the Amazon Rainforest?
5_ Tangible samples: The first, in 1948, was found dead by gunfire in the village of Manaus. After being dragged by a boat near the Abuna River. It was 35 meters long. The second was also in 1966, a giant of the same type who was also killed by fire, mentioned by the narrator Tim Densdale in his book the Leviathans.
Giant spiders
1 _ Testimonies of local tribes: Huge spiders appeared walking slowly in the middle of the bushes, their length was between 4 and 6 feet. Residents claim that it lives in underground networks and tunnels. It has openings that come out of it to hunt animals, and it has a deadly poison capable of killing even the largest animals such as horses, including humans.
2_ Rick C. West “expert on spiders” and Juan Carlos Ramirez, expert on Amazon “
In 2008, they led an expedition in the Amazon jungle in search of these giant spiders. But all that they found were mere accounts of the locals, one of which tells of seeing a huge spider the size of an adult man who infiltrated the village of “San Rafael de Manora” at night to take a dog from it for dinner. The story was between a believer and a liar, as Juan was confident in the witness's words, claiming that the residents of the region knew about it, while Rick did not believe it.
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Spiders eating people!
As for the second story, it was in the village of “Bandari”, where the man claimed that one of the huge spiders infiltrated the village and devoured one of the villagers’ children. The accounts prompted the explorers to delve deeper until they found a large tunnel that was likely to be home to a spider of its size. They installed a surveillance camera in the end, which filmed a tarantula spider emerging from it. It was considered the largest tarantula seen by humans, but there are no samples of giant spiders that eat animals and humans.
3_ Piotr Neskreki: An entomologist at Harvard University asserted that the bird-eating spider is the largest spider on earth. Because there are simply no samples of the aforementioned spiders.
Giant dinosaurs inhabiting the rivers of the Amazon
1_ Leonard Clark: He led one of the expeditions across the Bernie rivers in Peru, where the locals told him about a huge dinosaur-like creature living in the jungles, so that they drew him to bring him closer to the plant-eating dinosaur Diplodocus.
2_ Percy Fawcett: In 1919, he narrated that one of his friends saw a creature with a long head and neck swimming in a river. He likened it to the extinct dinosaur Apatosaurus.
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?Dinosaurs or other creatures
3 _ Geology students in the Senorca Mountains in Brazil in 1995, while studying quartz deposits, claimed to have seen two dinosaur-like creatures.
4 _ Jeremy Wade: He saw him twice.. the first in 1993 during his trip to the Amazon to search for river dolphins. Where the latter glimpsed a strange creature resembling a dinosaur, so he photographed it, but others denied that and said it was a river dolphin. But what is suspicious is that his fin is strange and no one could explain it. As for the second time, he went specifically to search for the creature. Indeed, he was able to see his head, which is similar to that of a river dolphin, but with a jagged and jagged fin. As a river dolphin expert, that was completely different. But in the end, theories suggested that it was a dolphin with a mutation or a congenital deformity.
Despite the divergence of opinions, no two disagree that the Amazon is one of the most mysterious places in the world. It has areas that no human or machine has reached. No one knows what it contains of strange creatures and new phenomena that have not been discovered yet. What we know is only a drop in the ocean.

Source: Nightmare website