Decoding the genetic code of the 'eternally young' jellyfish
Decoding the genetic code of the 'eternally young' jellyfish 11138 
Scientists in Spain have deciphered the genetic code of the immortal jellyfish, a creature capable of repeatedly reverting to its juvenile state, in the hope of discovering the secret to its unique longevity and finding new clues regarding human aging.
In their study, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Maria Pascual-Tornier, Victor Quesada and colleagues at the University of Oviedo map the genetic sequence of Torritopsis dornai, the only known species of jellyfish capable of repeatedly returning to the larval stage after sexual reproduction .
Like other species, the immortal jellyfish goes through a two-part life cycle. It lives on the sea floor during an asexual phase, during which its main role is to survive in times of food scarcity , and when conditions are favorable, jellyfish reproduce sexually.
The scientists wrote that many jellyfish species have some ability to reverse aging and return to the larval stage, but most lose this ability once they reach sexual maturity, and this does not happen with Torytopsis dornai.

The aim of the study was to understand what made the immortal jellyfish, or Torytopsis dornai, different by comparing its genetic sequence with that of Torritopsis rubra, a genetically related species that lacks the ability to rejuvenate after sexual reproduction.
They found that Turytopsis dornai had differences in its genome that might make it better at copying and repairing DNA .
It also appears to be better at preserving the ends of chromosomes called telomeres, which have been shown to shorten in length in humans and other species with age.
"We know this species has been able to do some evolutionary tricks for perhaps 15-20 years," said Monty Graham, a jellyfish expert and director of the Florida Institute of Oceanography, who was not involved in the study.

Graham added that the research had no immediate commercial value as "we can't look at it like we're going to collect these jellyfish and turn them into skin lotions ."
"It is one of the research that I believe will open a door to a new field of study that is worth pursuing," he added.