The world is waiting.. hours before the launch of the moon exploration mission
The world is waiting.. hours before the launch of the moon exploration mission 1125 
For the first time in 5 decades, the US space agency "NASA" is preparing to launch a vehicle to the moon, in a critical scientific development that many around the world are awaiting.
It is scheduled to launch "NASA", on Monday morning, eastern time in the United States, from the Kennedy Space Center on the coast of Florida, the rocket carrying the unmanned vehicle known as "Orion".
The British newspaper, “Daily Mail”, says that the rocket used in NASA’s powerful launch, which cost 20 billion dollars, can only be used once, while the cost of launching is 4 billion dollars.
The unmanned spacecraft is expected to orbit the moon for 42 days before returning to Earth, where it will land in the ocean.
This launch is part of the "Artemis" program operated by NASA, which aims to send astronauts to the moon again.
The US agency also wants to test technologies that could lead to a human landing on Mars.

This is the largest rocket project launched by "NASA" since the "Stauron 5" or "Saturn" project, which led to the landing of the first man on the moon in 1969, noting that this project lasted between 1967 and 1973.
The new missile is scheduled to take off from Florida at 8:33 am ET in the United States, and in the event the launch falters due to weather conditions, there are two backup dates on September 2 and 5.
The pioneers of the communication sites traded the countdown clock at the Kennedy Space Center, which indicates the time of the launch of the space mission.
And if all goes well, the second mission within the "Artemis" project will be launched in 2023, with the third flight in 2025, which will see American astronauts land on the moon.