Hungary: a statue in tribute to the Amazigh Afulay, author of the first novel in the history of humanity
Hungary: a statue in tribute to the Amazigh Afulay, author of the first novel in the history of humanity 1138
A statue of the great Amazigh philosopher Lucius Apuleius, known as Afulay in tamaziɣt ( Apulée in French ), was inaugurated on Tuesday July 27, 2021, in Hungary, in recognition of the value of this universal cultural personality native of Souk Ahras (Algeria).
Indeed, it is on the occasion of the commemoration of the Roman heritage in Hungary, that the inauguration of the stele took place, in the presence of the Algerian ambassador to Hungary, Ali Mokrani, who greeted this a tribute that both values the importance of this great man for future generations.
The famous philosopher, who was born in Madaure, the current M'daourouch, in the northeast of Algeria, "has a leading role as a universal cultural personality in the consolidation of the bonds of friendship between the two Algerian peoples and Hungarian," he says.
Afulay is a mid-Platonic Amazigh writer, speaker and philosopher. He is known through his novel “Metamorphoses”, which is also known as the “Golden Donkey” and as “ aɣyul n warɣ ” in the Amazigh language. The interpretation of the novel presents many problems due to its multitude of layers. It constitutes a difficult exercise in classical philology. The technique of storytelling, and the masking of the author's intentions, has led in research to a multitude of competing hypotheses about its meaning.
Hungary: a statue in tribute to the Amazigh Afulay, author of the first novel in the history of humanity 2318
Recalling the celebration, many times in Algeria, of this legendary writer, who spent part of his life in Hungary, Mr. Mokrani cited the Afulay prize (Apulée in Tamazight), initiated in 2004 by the National Library, to encourage novelistic production in the Amazigh, Arabic and French languages.
The Algerian diplomat mentioned, in the same context, the organization in 2015 by the High Commissioner for Amazighity (HCA) of an international symposium on the work of Apuleius in which researchers from the United States took part. , Italy, France, Tunisia and Morocco, in addition to Algerian researchers.
The participants in the symposium were unanimous in affirming that Lucius Apuleius, born around 125 in Madaure (M'daourouch) in the wilaya of Souk Ahras, is “a striking figure of Mediterranean culture and intangible world heritage”.
Hungary: a statue in tribute to the Amazigh Afulay, author of the first novel in the history of humanity 6145