?The Father of History.. Who is Herodotus, the author of the phrase “Egypt is the Gift of the Nile”
?The Father of History.. Who is Herodotus, the author of the phrase “Egypt is the Gift of the Nile” 1----648
Each of us knows the most famous phrase about the Nile. It is the phrase “Egypt is the gift of the Nile,” said by the most famous historian in history, “Herodotus.” But who is Herodotus, whose phrase became so famous that it became known far and near, great and small, this is what the “ Live Science ” website answers.
Born in 484 BC, Herodotus was from the city of Halicarnassus (now Bodrum, Turkey) in Caria, a region located in southwest Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). While much about his life is unknown, we know a little about his origins and how he became known as “The Father of History” and how he became the man who inspired generations of historians and created a path followed by those who came after him in the field of history until he became a reference for all historians.
?The Father of History.. Who is Herodotus, the author of the phrase “Egypt is the Gift of the Nile” 1-603
Although the city of Halicarnassus, the birthplace of Herodotus, was founded by the ancient Greeks, Caria was separate from the Greek city-states in its dialect, culture, and governance, and according to Christopher Baron, a professor of classics at the University of Notre Dame, Herodotus may have been of Carian as well as Greek origin. Baron said “Perhaps this mixed heritage from which he drew his culture was one of the things that inspired his curiosity about the history of other regions of the world, ” he told All About History in an email.
Herodotus later made his home in Thuri, where he lived later in his life. Thuri is a city in southern Italy, and he died there sometime in the year 420 BC.
?The Father of History.. Who is Herodotus, the author of the phrase “Egypt is the Gift of the Nile” 1--288
Herodotus wrote the "Histories" in the second half of the fifth century BC, according to the British Library. It is the first known historical book in the world and describes many historical events, including the Ionian Revolt of 499 BC as well as the history of nomadic knights from Eurasia.

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