German Nobel Prize-winning biologist: “Scientifically, humans are male or female only..other than that is nonsense.”
German Nobel Prize-winning biologist: “Scientifically, humans are male or female only..other than that is nonsense.” 1151 
German biologist, "Christian Noslen-Volhard "
Italian News, Tuesday, September 13, 2022 - German biologist, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard  , winner  of  the 1995 Nobel Prize in Medicine, shared with Americans Eric Wieshaus and Edward Lewis, for their research on genetic control . In Embryogenesis,  "The idea that people can change sex is absurd." Emphasizing that individuals retain their gender throughout their lives.
"There are people who want to change their sex, but they can never do it," Dr. Volhard told the German feminist magazine Emma . And the idea that people can change their gender is "nonsense". Rather  , it is wishful thinking.
Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, President  of the Roth Institute (a global non-profit organization that leads an international interfaith alliance to defend the family and build a civilization of love), explained that Catholics are often called “bigotites” and “haters.” To say the exact same thing confirmed by the German scientist «Volhard».
Morse explained that civil rights laws were improperly applied to promote the bizarre idea shaped by  a political movement that a man who claims to be a woman is actually a woman.
"The idea now dominates public education to the point that many schools allow 'transgender women' to use girls' bathrooms and changing rooms," she warned.
Recently, for example, an 80-year-old woman in Port Townsend, Washington, was permanently removed from the local YMCA - an  association  that does not care about personal religion, and any A person, regardless of his religious beliefs, participates in her activities -  for opposing a man in a women's swimsuit,  he  wants to take a shower in the women's changing rooms ( see here ).
Nobel laureate Noslin Vollhard also warned  of the dangers  of so-called gender transmission using drugs and surgery. "The body can't handle it in the long term," she warned.  "Every hormone you take has side effects. Taking hormones is inherently dangerous."
German Nobel Prize-winning biologist: “Scientifically, humans are male or female only..other than that is nonsense.” 1-15 
Jennifer Roebuck Morse, president of the nonprofit Roth Institute
For her part, Dr. Morse commented, "More and more people who have changed their sex and then have other ideas come forward to tell their stories and warn of the physical and psychological dangers of so-called transgenderism. However, rarely does one reveal the reality of negative developments in their body, Just like at a recent legislative hearing in Florida, when a young woman described the effects she experienced after transgender surgery at age 15, including a double mastectomy, which increased her risk of certain types of cancer by making her unable to breastfeed.” .
wish t « d. Morse  , that the American medical associations should hear the views of  Christian Nosslen -Volhard , a respected German biologist, who, disastrously, agreed to this “radical, life-altering pathway. ”