Google reveals the smart search service, and a German scientist excludes the replacement of technology by humans
Google reveals the smart search service, and a German scientist excludes the replacement of technology by humans 1850
Experts stress that they do not see artificial intelligence as a clear and specific threat to humanity
Google wants to enter the arena of artificial intelligence by launching a beta version of the "SGE" search service, or "generative search experiment". The search engine collects the information necessary to answer and can ask questions for more accuracy.
The American technology and Internet services company, Google, announced its intention to launch a trial version of the "SGE" search service, or "generative search experience" (Search Generative Experience), which relies on artificial intelligence techniques to provide search results directly to the user.
Unlike the traditional Google search engine, which is displayed in the search results as a list of blue links, the SGE service uses artificial intelligence to answer user questions. After entering the question into Google Drive, a green or blue square box will appear that expands with a new answer generated using Google's extensible language model, as in the case of the artificial intelligence (GBT) chat platform offered by OpenAI, which is owned by the US software empire. Microsoft.
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The search engine collects the information necessary to answer the user's question from internet pages and links to various resources. He can also ask subsequent questions through the SGE service in order to be able to provide more accurate answers.
It is noteworthy that the SGE service is not available at the present moment to the general public and you need to create an account on the "Search Labs" service from Google in order to be able to use it. And the "Search Labs" service is currently available to a limited number of people in the United States and in English only, although those wishing can add their names to waiting lists to take advantage of the service..
In response to a question about "the best bike suitable for a family that includes 3 children and a dog", specifying parking places for bicycles in the area in which the user is located, Bard provided an answer containing basic information and links to more information, in addition to related questions about things such as the time required to reach Specific bike parking.
Google reveals the smart search service, and a German scientist excludes the replacement of technology by humans 1-559
German Horst Obachowski, chief futurist in Europe
A great future scientist who excludes the solutions of intelligence technologies to replace humans
In the same context, and in light of the increasing warnings about the expansion of the use of artificial intelligence technologies , German Horst Obachowski, chief futurist in Europe, said that he does not see that artificial intelligence represents a clear and specific threat to humanity, even if such technology carries risks..
Obachowski added in an interview with the Catholic News Agency "KNA" that artificial intelligence will never replace humans, but at best it could be able to imitate them to a very simple degree..
This comes at a time when many warnings have been said in the recent period that artificial intelligence technology could lead to the abolition of a large number of jobs performed by humans, and could even “superior human intelligence,” according to Geoffrey Hinton, the spiritual father of artificial intelligence technology, who left his work in research. This technology in the US technology and Internet services company Google in early May this.
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Hinton said that artificial intelligence could lead to the loss of large numbers of jobs that would be done by artificial intelligence rather than by humans..
Hinton's announcement of his concerns came after the heads of technology companies in the United States signed a letter calling for a halt to the development of artificial intelligence technology for a period of 6 months, for fear of "the development of artificial minds that can become smarter and more numerous in order to replace us and outperform us ... and then we face the danger Loss of control over human civilization".
Obachowski, however, agrees with the prevailing prediction that AI "will change many things in society for the better or for the worse... So we have to find answers to the questions whether these changes are morally good, socially just or will make life better and more worth living."".

Source : websites