5ِِChinese trees over 5,000 years old
5ِِChinese trees over 5,000 years old 1147
Chinese trees more than five thousand years old - photo from the ofA research center specialized in counting perennial trees in China made an exciting discovery recently, stating that there are 5 trees that are more than 5,000 years old in the country.
This was according to the National Center for the Counting of Ancient Trees of Great Value in China (National Tree Observatory-researchgate.net), which collected data on more than 5,000 historical trees.
• One million trees over a hundred years old and 5 trees over 5,000 years old.ficial page of the Chinese People's Newspaper on Twitter
5ِِChinese trees over 5,000 years old 1-10
Chinese trees more than five thousand years old - photo from the official page of the Chinese People's Newspaper on Twitter
According to the observatory, China contains trees aged between 100 and 299 years that exceed one million trees, according to the latest national census of tree resources, which covers more than 5.08 million ancient and valuable trees in the country.
According to the Chinese newspaper people.cn, the observatory has collected data of more than 5,000 historical trees of high value.
Among these trees, there are more than 10,000 trees that are more than 1,000 years old, and Al-Shaab newspaper has published pictures of some of the country's long-lived trees on its official page on Twitter, including 5 trees that are more than 5,000 years old.
Chinese trees more than five thousand years old - from the official page of the Chinese People's Newspaper on Twitter
5ِِChinese trees over 5,000 years old 1-11
? • What is the benefit of calculating the number of trees
5ِِChinese trees over 5,000 years old 1--10
Chinese trees more than five thousand years old - photo from the official page of the Chinese People's Newspaper on Twitter
According to the official website of the National Tree Observatory,researchgate.net, counting the number of trees in a given area or city is useful when making decisions about government policy and management, including international afforestation efforts (including the China Trillion Tree Campaign).
It is useful to calculate the number of trees in knowing the economic value of the tree and its net oxygen output. In addition, trees show their economic value in other places.. They reduce the level of groundwater, and thus reduce soil salinity, which in turn leads to improving the ability of the soil to produce plants.
It also serves as a carbon sink, due to its use of large amounts of carbon dioxide, thus reducing the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, in addition to its large production of timber.
? • How is the number of trees calculated
5ِِChinese trees over 5,000 years old 1--11
Chinese trees more than five thousand years old - photo from the official page of the Chinese People's Newspaper on Twitter
Large-scale identification of individual trees poses significant challenges, especially in subtropical and tropical regions, due to diverse crown characteristics , but using high-resolution images, tree crowns can be clearly observed and seen. The Chinese observatory (National Tree Observatory-researchgate.net) calculated the number of trees on a regional scale by identifying each tree crown, a simple framework through which individual trees can be detected directly without manual operation . The
observatory recently revealed an important study that not only dealt with the number of trees, It also provided the determination of tree density at various scales, which is a prominent component of ecosystem architecture. Tree density was also analyzed at 30 m and 1000 m scale.
