Harvard scientists are optimistic about the existence of extraterrestrials and are developing new ways to search for them
Harvard scientists are optimistic about the existence of extraterrestrials and are developing new ways to search for them 11227 
Drawing of a hypothetical alien :copyright: Wikipedia
“Do aliens exist?”... Many astronomers are confident. For them, if the universe is vast and ancient, and if the part we are in is not distinguished by anything special from the rest of this universe, then life will appear elsewhere as it appeared on our planet.
It also only takes the remains of small bacteria outside the planet to prove that aliens exist. But pending the development of technical means that allow us to travel across galaxies, the best way to search for aliens is to stay “home” and search for “technical signatures.”
Scientists assume that aliens, like humans, will use wireless devices to communicate with each other, which will produce radio signals that are different from the radio signals caused by natural factors.
In this context, researchers launched the Harvard University “Galili” program in the year 2021, the first of its kind, with the aim of searching for space “relics” near Earth, as he knows himself.
The project seeks to transform the search for extraterrestrial technological "signatures" of alien civilizations (ETCs) from episodic or anecdotal observations and myths to the mainstream of transparent, reliable and systematic scientific research.

The team of researchers stresses the rationalization of the alien woodcutter about aliens. For example, the project has publicly committed to testing hypotheses of "known physics" and only analyzing new data. This is a new trend in the field of "the search for extraterrestrial intelligence".
The team will image Unidentified Atmospheric Phenomena (UAP) in the infrared, radio and optical ranges and record acoustic data. The team designed, built and deployed their own AI and surveillance equipment to collect and interpret this data.
It will also start in 2023 the search for small satellites orbiting the Earth using the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. This will require the development of new advanced software to detect objects that can be very small, fast-moving, and potentially in irregular 
