Why do we see space in the dark despite the presence of the sun, and the sun does not illuminate space as it i
?lluminates the earth

When searching for pictures of outer space, we find it black and we do not know the reason behind this complete darkness in outer space, while on the surface of the Earth we enjoy the sun close to our planet, which provides us with an abundance of light that enables us to see everything around us in its wonderful colors during the day and the night comes to The sun goes to illuminate the other half of the planet.
Planet Earth is surrounded by a gaseous envelope called the atmosphere. The atmosphere contains drops of water and dust particles along with layers of gases. When sunlight hits these particles, it causes it to be reflected and refracted. The reflected and refracted sunlight illuminates what surrounds it, which enables us to see The world around us is colorful.
Light travels in a straight line until it collides with something, and outer space contains some gases and cosmic dust, but it does not have an atmosphere that causes scattering of light and is therefore dark. in the visible spectrum.
Although the stars are also in space, it is still dark because the universe is expanding and the stars are farther away and the wavelengths of their lights increase and the longer their length becomes, their light becomes less clear to us, until they disappear from our sight completely.
 Why do we see space in the dark despite the presence of the sun, and the sun does not illuminate space as it i ?lluminates the earth 1148
? Why does the sun not illuminate outer space as it does the earth
When "Yuri Gagarin" ascended into space, the first astronaut to reach outer space, he was surprised by a great darkness with the presence of the sun and all the celestial bodies, even though he was in broad daylight until he suspected that he had been blinded, so what happened and what caused this extreme darkness?!
In fact, when the sun’s rays reach the atmosphere, they are scattered and their rays are reflected on the atoms of the air, and every atom of air reflects some rays on the other atoms, and this is what happens in the earth, even if the sun is absent for some time, we see its light and the earth is lit during the day due to the presence of air. Outer space there is no air, and therefore no scattering of light occurs, so there is complete darkness and dark night, and only the disk of the sun is seen in outer space.
Scientists say that the origin in outer space is darkness, and darkness is relative, where space is filled with electromagnetic waves that move in all directions. The presence of a ray of light and light radiating stars in space and these stars are not enough to spread light throughout space, so we see space as dark with the presence of white
.!! dots, which are stars. This is evidence that the darkness of outer space is apparent to our eyes

atmospheric outlets
Modern science has also proven that in order for a spacecraft to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, it must travel in a diagonal way. This is what the scientific theory has shown.
The sky, according to this context, expresses the space of the universe as a whole, and not only the night on Earth that follows the sunset, and we know nothing of the night except darkness. It is always shining in the space of the universe, despite the very dark night that overshadows all the bodies like a dress that covers it from all sides, so it appears as shiny dots on a dark black background.
The layer of the day (the atmosphere) is not more than 200 km thick, and despite its thinness, it obscures the darkness of outer space from us. It is surprising that the interior of the sun itself is dark because it emits invisible radiation such as gamma rays, X-rays and ultraviolet rays, and only the outer luminous cover and the photosphere are able to Sensing the invisible interior radiation and emitting it in the form of visible sunlight.
Another reason for the darkness of space, despite the presence of the sun and luminous bodies, is that space is an almost complete vacuum. As for the sky of the Earth, it appears blue during the day because the particles that make up the atmosphere scatter a lot of blue and violet wavelengths that make up the visible light coming from the sun, so the light is scattered throughout directione .
But in the absence of matter and particles that scatter the light, in this case, the light travels in a straight line and does not spread. Since space is an almost complete vacuum that contains very few particles, there is nothing in space that scatters the light, so it appears dark and opaque as we see it.
