Mysterious Phenomena - Is Earth Monitored by Extraterrestrial
? Civilizations
 Mysterious Phenomena - Is Earth Monitored by Extraterrestrial  ? Civilizations 11256
A sensational report by the US Department of Defense has fueled controversy about mysterious atmospheric phenomena and their possible relationship to extraterrestrial intelligence. The report admitted the inability of the first superpower in the world to explain this phenomenon, leaving the door open to all possibilities.
Hollywood - Picture from the science fiction movie "Independence Day" by German director Roland Emmerich (1996)
Are there more advanced alien civilizations that visit our planet regularly? What is the nature of the mysterious flying objects that defy the laws of physics and are regularly observed in different regions of the world? Is it about visitors from other worlds and perhaps space-time dimensions beyond the realization of the human mind? Or are they top-secret military technologies being developed by the great powers? Or is it nothing more than natural phenomena that man has not yet deciphered? These and other questions have captured the attention of the public and experts over the past few weeks on the occasion of a unique report published by the US government (Friday, June 25, 2021) that monitors cases documented by US Air Force pilots in multiple locations and occasions. The report presented 144 incidents, some dating back to 2004, which the US government described as "unidentified air phenomena", with the US defense and intelligence agencies unable to determine their nature.
The report was produced by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in partnership with the US Navy 's Unidentified Atmospheric Phenomena Working Group , and submitted to Congress. The Pentagon acknowledged that these phenomena "represent an aviation safety problem and may pose a challenge to US national security." Commenting on the topic, the German website EV Air Weissen (June 28) wrote, "The report consists of nine pages, written in very solemn language. There is not even a single mention of space objects or unidentified flying objects (..) The facts are different. It can't have one common cause, but it's supposed to have multiple causes."
A US military commander tells the story of her encounter with a UFO
An exciting true story, not inspired by science fiction films, but documented by image and sound, its heroine, Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrick, commander of a squadron of fighters in the US Navy, when she encountered a strange flying object that aroused the highest levels of curiosity, as it was moving in a way that defies the laws of physics and the performance of known human technology. The occasion was a routine training mission off the coast of Southern California in November 2004, when another battleship asked Dietrich and fellow cockpit pilot David Friver to check for undecipherable radar signals in the area. In an interview with Reuters (June 25, 2021), the retired commander said, commenting on the incident that occurred 15 years ago, and was mentioned in a detailed report of the US Department of Defense, "I do not consider myself a revealer of secrets... I do not classify myself among the enthusiasts of the issue of UFOs."
Dietrich recounted very accurately what she described as her observation of a strange "wave movement" on the surface of the sea when she and her colleague noticed an "oval, smooth, white object resembling a large mint candy (tic tac) and flying at a tremendous speed over the water." She added that when her colleague Frever tried to "communicate" with the body, "it seemed to respond in a way that we did not recognize", as it had no visible control surfaces or propulsion mechanisms. It was declassified, and this incident is in addition to the many facts monitored by the US Navy in recent years, and the inability of experts to find logical explanations for them.
Hard Facts - Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are a baffling fact
The report listed at least a hundred incidents of the emergence of objects flying at an amazing speed, which the American devices were unable to track or determine their source. The report is the first official recognition by the US government of observing unidentified flying objects and the source, after decades of speculation and speculation among believers in the existence of the phenomenon and those who ridicule it. The Pentagon's assessment was based on summaries of 144 reports, including 88 cases obtained from multiple sensors. The evaluation did not clarify the origin or sources of the flying objects, nor did it rule out the possibility that their origin was extraterrestrial beings, but at the same time it did not find any compelling evidence of the existence of these objects. "In a limited number of recorded incidents, it appears that mysterious weather phenomena occur in the form of unusual flight features. These observations may be the result of sensor errors or a misperception of the observer, and require additional rigorous analysis," the report says.
In August 2020, the Pentagon announced the creation of a task force to analyze data on unidentified flying objects at a time of heightened public interest in the United States. It was also noted that the sightings of these objects increased significantly by citizens during the quarantine period due to the Corona pandemic. The topic also gained tremendous momentum after the Pentagon published videos of some of those objects recorded by American pilots. In this regard, the German Radio Deutschlandfunk website (June 22) wrote, "Anyone who sees in the blurry spots on photos and videos extraterrestrial spaceships is immediately ridiculed. But it seems that experienced pilots from the US Navy are also among those who believe There are UFOs. There are now demands to make scientific research deal with this phenomenon seriously."
! Aliens can now monitor us from distant galaxies
Did not the famous British physicist Stephen Hawking warn humanity on more than one occasion, calling on it to be careful and silent, because if we discover aliens, they might try to harm us! according to his opinion. However, it seems that the period of caution is out of date, as it has become possible to monitor terrestrial signals from many stars in a space of 300 light-years in diameter. And if there are really extraterrestrial civilizations with telescopes similar to ours, or perhaps even better, they will be able to observe us. According to a study published by the newspaper "Nature", there are at least 75 of these stars that actually received signals in the form of radio waves from Earth. "About a century ago, mankind began to send radio waves into space through radio, television and radar transmitters. The study confirmed that this radiation reached stars and planets from which the Earth can be traced. There is more of this transmission as the radio radiation continues to spread in space. non stop".
In this regard, the German “Welt der Physic” website (June 26) wrote, “Space scientists from other extraterrestrial civilizations can monitor our planet as well as the entire solar system (..) and the high oxygen content in the atmosphere will be a clear indication of the existence of life on Earth. "For them. Using appropriately sensitive devices, they can also detect unnatural substances such as fluorocarbons. Through this they will understand the existence of a technology-based civilization on planet Earth." There is a difference in views among scientists, between those who believe that it is the duty of man to send messages to outer space in the hope of meeting other civilizations, perhaps at a level or more developed in a way that is difficult to imagine. And those who believe that man should be careful and even hide his existence, because there are no guarantees about what any meeting between us and them will end up with.
After decades of secrecy - our ignorance is greater than our knowledge!
The American report puts the reader in a confused and ambiguous position. On the one hand, it confirms the absence of conclusive evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial beings, but at the same time it does not explain the causes and source of the mysterious phenomena documented by experienced American pilots. After decades of secrecy, Congress last year ordered the government to inform the public of the activities of the Pentagon unit responsible for studying these phenomena, and this task was entrusted to the US Navy. The only thing confirmed by the report is that these phenomena have nothing to do with new technologies being tested by the US military, and it did not rule out high-tech espionage operations carried out by global powers competing with the United States. US officials admitted to the "New York Times" that keeping part of the report in the context of defense secrets, may fuel speculation about classified information held by the United States government about the existence of extraterrestrials.
 Photographed documents show faint objects without wings and no engines that produce heat. Even former US President Barack Obama stated on an entertainment program that he can't reveal everything when it comes to UFOs, fueling speculation at the time. Anyway, whatever the information Obama refrained from revealing, experts find it difficult to explain the crazy acceleration of these objects, photographed by the pilots, while showing an extraordinary ability to change their directions.
? 'Oumuamua' - an interstellar celestial ship
The three dramatic black-and-white videos, which were recorded from the cockpit of American fighter planes in succession in the years 2004, 2014 and 2015 that came to light in 2019, showed small objects traveling at tremendous speed and partially rotating on themselves. Government interest in the subject, public at least, has declined in recent decades. Everyone remembers the "Blue Book" project, which began in 1947 after the famous "Roswell" accident, and recorded a total of 12,618 incidents of unidentified flying objects, a project that officially ended in 1969. However, the phenomenon continued to excite the imagination of Americans, including members of the House of Representatives. Senators, such as Harry Reid of (2007-2012), at his insistence, the Pentagon ran the Advanced Space Threat Identification Program (AATIP), with a budget of $22 million. And major Republican donors, such as hotel pioneer Robert Bigelow, have shown their passion and funded scientific research.
Bavarian website Bayerische Rundfunk (25 June) reported that "Even Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb can imagine that our solar system sometimes receives visits from extraterrestrial intelligence: he seriously sees the interstellar traveling orb called 'Oumuamua", Which walked past Earth in an unusual orbit in October 2017, and flew in the direction of the constellation Pegasus that looks like a “solar sail.” The astronomers said that this strange object is “extraordinarily bright”, and it reflects ten times more light than similar asteroids, and therefore it is Reminds us of shiny metal. "Oumuamua" was behaving like a "buoy" in space. However, critics have pointed out that Loeb is advising a Russian businessman who also wants to develop a "solar sail" with which to reach distant
? planets relatively quickly. Perhaps it is if Just a marketing ploy
Mysterious Phenomena - Is Earth Monitored by Extraterrestrial  ? Civilizations 1-22