! Mysterious connection attempts from space with the Earth were monitored by scientists
! Mysterious connection attempts from space with the Earth were monitored by scientists 2158
Scientists at the University of Sydney in Australia have discovered a strange and mysterious pulse, which is a radio source, that lasted for about 300 milliseconds.
The pulsation was strange and emanating from one of the spiral galaxies, says University of Sydney lecturer Manisha Caleb, who works on the Milky Way team.
Caleb believes that this data, could lead to a new class of stellar objects.

Although there are many hypotheses about that radio source, scientists confirm that the origin and nature of that sound is unknown to them until today, and more studies and verification is needed from the hypotheses available to them.
In general, radio sources, various objects in the universe, emit large amounts of radio waves, and one of the largest usual sources are quasars, pulsars or magnetars, as well as some radio nebulae and galaxies.
By observing with the Australian Pathfinder Array, the Parks Radio Telescope, in addition to the Australia Compact Telescope Array, the researchers identified the radio source, which they described as strong, about 20 arc seconds away from the center of the spiral galaxy, which is located about 60 million light-years from planet Earth. , while its diameter is about 33,000 light-years.

Pulsars, a very dense remnant of a collapsed giant star, often emit radio waves through their poles, and these pulsations can usually be measured from Earth during the star's rotation.
What is remarkable about the recently discovered radio waves is that they lasted longer than usual, which confused scientists. It is known that the longest rotation of a pulsar lasted only 23 and a half seconds, and therefore scientists believe that they may have discovered a new class of radio emitting objects. .
This hypothesis remains one of many hypotheses, especially that a large group of the population around the world believes in the existence of extraterrestrial beings, despite the absence of any evidence of that theory to this day. In any case, any new scientific discovery is considered useful, pending the results of this discovery and determining The exact source of those waves.
