NASA will broadcast a live video of a mission that humanity has never seen before to save Earth
NASA will broadcast a live video of a mission that humanity has never seen before to save Earth 11307 
On Monday, September 26, NASA will attempt a mission that humanity has never seen before, deliberately smashing a spacecraft with an asteroid to divert its course, in a test that may be used in the future to defend life on Earth from devastating asteroids.
Last November, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft was launched from California, heading towards the asteroid, which will hit it at a speed of 23,000 km. The spacecraft is about 160 meters in diameter, and its size is smaller than the size of a car.
And no need to worry. The asteroid Demorphos and the larger asteroid that orbits Didymos do not pose any threat to our planet because they are at a distance of seven million miles from Earth and revolve around the sun.