Do you know what was the first animal to live on Earth? No, not the dinosaur. The answer is surprising and unexpected
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Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in a new study recently published by the Institute's Biology Department, concluded that the first animals to live on Earth were not dinosaurs, as some people think, but rather a marine creature that no one expected.
Scientists have found that the marine sponge was the first animal to live on Earth about 250 million years ago, and that this animal, of course, did not become extinct, but is still living in the depths of water around the world until now.
The study confirmed that the sponge in its initial form millions of years ago was a multicellular organism and lacked any vital organs, muscles or nerve cells, as is the case with the current sponge animal.
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The study also announced that there were about 5,000 different species of sponges, and their sizes ranged from one inch to four feet.

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