The cheval horse or in Tamazight Ayes in culture and in the Amazigh folklore - ⴰⵢⵢⵉⵙ ⵣ ⵖ ⵜⵓⵙ ⵏⴰ ⴷ ⵜⴰⵢ ⵙⵙ ⵉ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⴷ ⴰⵏⵜ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣ ⵉ ⵖ ⵜ
The cheval horse or in Tamazight Ayes in culture and in the Amazigh folklore - ⴰⵢⵢⵉⵙ ⵣ ⵖ ⵜⵓⵙ ⵏⴰ ⴷ ⵜⴰⵢ ⵙⵙ ⵉ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⴷ ⴰⵏⵜ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣ ⵉ ⵖ ⵜ 1264 
Ayes..the horse or mare in the Amazigh culture and folklore.
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The Amazigh horse is a descendant of the original horse of North African countries, and it is a branch of the Arab horse, and the difference between them is that its size is larger and the length of its tail is smaller, and it also has hair at the top and back of its hooves compared to the Arab horse, and this type of horse is characterized by high speed and ability On endurance, and there is a variety of it in the United States, which is known as the Spanish Amazigh horse, which is one of the original breeds of horses that came from Spain and in multiple colors, and this horse is used by the Native Americans on their farms and for equestrianism, but it is on the verge of extinction in that place; This is due to the presence of larger breeds that replaced it. Horses, including the Amazigh horse, are social animals that live in the wild in the form of groups called herds, and one herd consists of three to twenty horses led by a male horse called a stallion. As for the rest of the herd, they are female horses and their young, and they are herbivores. For plants only, and with regard to their reproduction, after a gestation period of up to 11 months, they give birth to their young, which is called the foal, and these young ones are able to stand a short time after birth, and become mature from the age of three to five years, and when the male horse reaches maturity, he The stallion is removed from the herd; To find another herd of females he can lead. The Barbary horse has a variety of characteristics. Among these physical characteristics is that it is distinguished by its light weight, short back and tail. Its body is strong and possesses hooves, and its predominant color is gray, but it can be found in other colors; Such as black, chestnut and brown, and its length is about 1.47-1.57 meters, although the Barbary horse is not able to walk well, but it has a high ability to run like a runner, and according to this feature, the breed of this type of horse has been used as a stock to develop Other horse breeds that are used for racing, such as Thoroughbreds, American Quarters, Standardbreds, and others.
The Amazigh horse is one of the oldest breeds of horses in the world, as the ancient stone inscriptions found in some caves and murals in the regions of North Africa date the special relationship that linked it to the inhabitants of these regions. The people of the Atlas Mountains extending along the Moroccan lands and the settled tribes of the western agricultural plains of the country used it in various details of their lives. The Amazigh horse is associated with one of the oldest martial sports in Morocco, which is called "Taburida". It begins with the horses of the cavalry squadron lining up and running into the enemy at the same speed, firing gunpowder from the nozzle of their wooden club.
What does the horse symbolize in the Berbers: the horse symbolizes success, freedom, travel, courage, strength, power, nobility, wisdom and devotion. Safely after your long and distant trip. The horse was associated with war and fertility. With war comes victory, control, life is long, and the wealth that comes with victory in the battle, and for the Berbers, the horse symbolizes in a dream from visions that inspire optimism and hope in the same dreamer, because the horse.. or Ayes.. in Berber is considered one of the most beautiful wild animals. It is a proud animal and is considered A symbol of loftiness, glory and prestige, and seeing it in a dream among the Berbers is one of the beautiful, commendable and loving visions that herald good, sustenance and relief.

For this reason, ancient and even contemporary Amazigh poets wrote wonderful poems about the Persian horse or Ayes in Berber, where it is related to elegance, beauty, speed and beautiful thick hair that distinguishes the horse from the rest of the animals. Rather, they often likened beautiful women and even handsome men to the horse and the mare. Sometimes they likened women to the horse and the rider. My father means the man in the knight, and my father is called in Tamazight..amnai..and about him said one of the ancient Berber poets.
Oana Iran Amarg At Eisen Eiga zond
Eis Ad Eigarn
Eeqan Ted Momenay Ad Eehrashen
Here the poet resembles the horse or the horse with poetry, music and singing, and this is what is meant by bamarg, as this word also indicates longing. So, he is the real poet. Another poet said about him, Al-Rais Al-Baz.
Iwig confirmed Arkab Nik Okan Ayayis , here is the
case Murad Ayis ka was Emalas
Arkab in Arabic, he is the knight and what is meant here is .. the man.. either.. Ayes. My father is the horse or the horse, meaning the woman. .
Amwal Ag Ezigiz and Ayis Ehihoran
Ola Aad Ogma Townza Ola Teshav Nes
This type of horse that the poet talked about is not like the rest of the horses. He means the special horse known in the field of battles and wars, and the thing that shows us that is his mention of the word..amawal..which means the battlefield or field. Some poems. As for the Amazigh folk proverb. The horse or the horse remains in the popular memory, written with ink of admiration and appreciation. And about it, the Amazigh folk proverb says.
- Oh God, D Tumzin D and Ay, a question D T TIMZIN without Ayes, is
it good for you to get married and you cannot be alone without
? children
- Aignzi ak Eimalan Ays Eihozan
through her forehead shows you a wonderful free woman.
In summary, it can be said that the horse in the Amazigh popular culture has a great place among writers and poets due to its elegance, qualities and beauty, and for this reason many poetic verses have been organized in his right.
the reviewer
1.   ^ a b "Horse Facts",, Retrieved 10-12-2019. Edited. ↑ "Draft horse",, Retrieved 22-12-2019. Edited. ↑ "Gypsy horse",, Retrieved 22-12-2019. Edited. ↑ "American Quarter Horse",, Retrieved 22-12-2019. Edited. ↑ "Barb",, Retrieved 09-12-2019. Edited. ↑ "Spanish Barb",, Retrieved 22-12-2019. Edited. ^ a b c "Barb horse",, Retrieved 12-22-2019. Edited.