Cultivation of saffron: “conclusive” results from a pilot experiment in Béchar - Top Destinations in Algeria
Cultivation of saffron: “conclusive” results from a pilot experiment in Béchar - Top Destinations in Algeria 11332 
A pilot experiment in the cultivation of saffron at the level of a farm north of the commune of Béchar, proved "conclusive", thus auguring promising prospects for the development of this culture, we learned on Thursday from farmers, leaders of the experiment.
“The first experiment in the cultivation of saffron, the most expensive of spices, was carried out in our farm located in the perimeter of development of the Saharan lands of Hassi Houari, (20 km north of Béchar), where we proceeded in 2021 planting a hundred bulbs, and extracted 120 grams of saffron,” Bendouda Abdeljalil and Khouissi Abdelkrim, two young farmers who initiated the experiment, told APS.
“This experience has clearly demonstrated that we will be able to develop this high value-added agricultural sector in this southern region of the country”, they underlined.

“However, our second experiment carried out on an area of ​​half a hectare, was doomed to failure resulting from the poor quality of the bulbs used. We therefore called on a laboratory from the Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences of the Tahri-Mohamed University, in Béchar, to assist us in the acquisition of good quality bulbs, adapting to the climate and to the nature of the soils specific to the Saharan regions, as is the case of our region”, they explained.
“Our first experience has shown that it is possible to produce saffron locally, and to develop this sector of great potential and commercial values, which should constitute a contribution to the economy of the region and a means of promoting the employment of women. in the segments of pruning and drying of saffron pistils”, estimated the two young farmers.

In addition to this pilot experience, the two farmers working on a 60-hectare farm, specializing in arboriculture and market gardening, intend to soon create an agricultural cooperative to promote and develop other crops and sectors in the region, with the aim of ensuring at the local level fruits and vegetables of consumable plant varieties not grown in the region, including broccoli, a variety of cabbage, and this, with the support of the specialized services of the local management of Agricultural Services (DSA), they said.

Source: websites