Dark matter is the biggest mystery in the universe
Dark matter is the biggest mystery in the universe 1280 
Earth's orbit
It is known astronomically that the planet Earth completes a complete revolution around the sun every 365 days.. and this is what we know as (the year).
 We also know that if the Earth’s rotation speed increases by three times its current speed, it will reach that speed for the so-called “escape velocity.” This means that the gravitational force of the Sun will not be enough to keep the Earth in its current orbit.
orbit of the sun
In a similar way, the law of gravitation applies to the sun
It orbits around the center of our galaxy
The sun cuts its orbit around the center of the Milky Way every 225 to 250 million years.. and if the rotation speed of the sun increases from its current value, this will lead to it reaching a speed appropriate to escaping from its orbit and overcoming the gravitational force that keeps it in its orbit.
galactic orbit
And speaking of galaxies, they do not exist alone in the universe, but rather gather with their counterparts to form galactic clusters.
 Just like stars, we see them gathering together within constellations or star clusters.
The constellations that we see around us are found inside our Milky Way galaxy.
Interconnection of galaxies in clusters
In order for a "galaxy cluster" consisting of a large number of galaxies to be interconnected and stable, the gravitational pull between them must be sufficient to keep the galaxies within the star cluster.
The law of escape velocity, which governs the motion of the Earth and the sun, applies in turn to the motion of galaxies
 This is what we've known for a while
Galaxies move
 In the year 1933 AD, in the research of the physicist “Fritz Zwicky” he was studying the movement of some galaxies in a nearby stream cluster, which is the “Hela Cluster”.
The rotation speed of galaxies
The scientist Fritz discovered that the galaxies whose movement he monitors over a period of three years are moving at very high speeds
And he concluded that galaxies, even though they are moving at such high speeds, do not escape their interconnection within the galactic cluster
This is due to the mass of the cluster itself, so that the gravity generated by the mass of matter is sufficient to maintain the interconnection of galaxies with each other inside the cluster, despite their high rotation speed
 gallbladder cluster
 It is one of the largest galactic clusters close to us.
 However, the scientist Fritz when he calculated the amount of matter present
! In the cluster, a strange and illogical result was found
Powerful mysterious force
The mass of the galaxies after that was calculated was much less than their ability to hold together the large group of galaxies in that cluster. This means that there is another unknown force!
This is what influences the force of their gravitational pull on the cohesion of the cluster galaxies
! But this mysterious force is completely invisible
Dark matter is the biggest mystery in the universe 1281 
: Here's an example that closes it
Let's imagine a huge passenger bus rushing at a high speed on the road, and suddenly its stable path deviates and tends to the roadblock and almost falls into the river..
 But it suddenly happens... that a powerful imaginary person comes to catch this bus full of people and can, with his supernatural strength,...
Attracts him in the right direction and directs him to the right path
! again
Of course, if you are there and see this scene, you will be amazed and surprised to know that the strength of one person, no matter what, will not be enough to attract that mass (the bus) that exceeds the person's weight in tons..
You will logically decide that in addition to the power of the person in the example, there was another power unknown and invisible
And it was she who affected the largest share of that attraction on the bus and returning it to its path.
And then it will become clear that although this force is invisible,
However, its influence indicates its existence.
Unknown dark matter
What I mentioned above, my reader friend, is a summary of what the astronomer Fritz observed in his study, and it is in short:
That this group of galaxies is moving fast and rushing in the galaxy cluster and at that rotational speed it is assumed that the interconnectedness of the components of the cluster will disintegrate, or at the latest, the disintegration and divergence between galaxies will appear in a period of time estimated by millions to a billion years as a maximum..
But what is amazing is that the age of the Halba cluster is under study:
More than ten billion years.. This means that his age is close to the age of the universe itself!
And with this deep time... the cluster is still stable and interconnected 
The biggest gas in the universe
Here, my friends, appears to us one of the biggest unknown mysteries in astronomy to this day, which is the missing mass
Or invisible dark matter
 Over the years and in successive research, it became clear that this unknown mass is not limited to the Hala duct cluster only.
 Rather, it exists, with all its effects, on other galactic clusters, all of them at different locations in the visible universe!
Astronomer Paul Davis says in a chapter in his book
The amazing and his name (the mystery of the suitability of the universe to life):
The Sun, which we know, completes a complete revolution around the center of the galaxy every 250 million years, as shown by studying the orbits in which the distant stars move on the edges of the Milky Way.
There is a strong presence of intergalactic dark matter, which maintains this connection and gravitational stability between galaxies.

The interconnection and cohesion of the stars
From the foregoing, it is clear that all the stars are linked to each other at precise distances by an unknown substance that does not reveal its physical existence with any monitoring devices that we possess now.
 Only we can detect its effect through gravitational changes and control the paths of the stars
You can compare what happens from the gravitational interaction with a ship that swims on the surface of the water in the open sea
The ship in our example is the galaxies, planets, stars, the bodies of the universe and everything we see around us, and that the water in the sea is a dark and unknown substance, and there is no movement of the ship without it!
dark matter volume
It is not small or can be ignored due to its impact..
 Sometimes its mass is from two to hundreds of times within a single galaxy..
 On the cosmic scale, its ratio is 6 to 1.
 Unknown dark matter is at least six times more massive than ordinary matter
Like the size of the sea in relation to a ship
? Black holes or dark matter
An obvious question arises for some:
? Why do we say that it is a dark matter in the first place
! Couldn't it just be black holes
It is known about black holes that they attract everything, even light, and are also invisible to the observer.
The truth is that previous studies would, of course, have revealed their existence (black holes) by observing the movement of stars around black holes, as was already done before..
Besides, we have actually photographed one of the black holes
 As for dark matter, it cannot be observed or photographed by any direct observational method that we have until today!
Is he a brown dwarf
And another question:
? Could this be the unknown and dark matter
 They are dark, invisible objects that do not emit visible light that can be observed, such as planets, moons and brown dwarfs; These bodies
? do not themselves emit any light, but receive it and then reflect it
But the sciences of physics and the universe say that if this is true, then in proportion and proportionality, about 6000 huge planets, such as Jupiter, must revolve around each individual star in the galaxy.

Or about two million planets the size of Earth
Until its mass becomes equal to six times the massive mass of its main star.. The scientific and observational fact confirms that the mass of all planets, moons, comets and others in our solar system does not exceed 0.02% of the massive mass of the sun.
The truth about dark matter
 Dark matter is real and does not consist of the building blocks of ordinary matter, but rather consists of something completely different...
Its size and mass affect the same gravity generated by ordinary matter.
?! Or do we not yet fully understand what gravity is
Dark matter proof
And now my dear reader, here is something you do not know, and it is further proof of the existence of this unknown substance...
In the cosmic macro background research conducted in 2003, when some astronomers completed the compilation of a detailed map of the cosmic background radiation from the Wmap...
 That map was so accurate that it enabled scientists to go back by inverse extrapolation and go back to the calculations immediately after the birth of the universe and discovered the following:
Expansion and expansion of the universe
 Nearly 500,000 years after the first explosion and the beginning of our universe, there was a strong struggle between gravity between the bodies of the newborn universe and the speed of expansion of the universe in all directions.
The universe expands and its size increases with the passage of time, and this cosmic expansion was so powerful that it is expected that the formed and thrusting matter will scatter throughout the universe, and therefore the gravitational force will be unable to contribute to the formation of stars and consequently the building of galaxies and everything collapses!
The importance of dark matter
The gravitational force alone was not enough to control the cosmic expansion and the mighty expansion in all directions.. It became clear from the astronomical mathematical calculations that the ordinary known matter was overcome, but on the contrary, it was actually less than the size required for that defeat by six times..
For this basic reason, it can be asserted that whatever the truth or nature of dark matter is, it is considered one of the most important basic reasons for the existence of interconnection and stability between the objects of the universe as we see it.
In other words:

Gravity is one of the most familiar natural forces around us and at the same time the most mysterious of these forces
When discovering laws regulating them, it took the mind of a genius scientist like Newton to be able to be sure of the existence of the gravitational force regulating the movement of the bodies of the universe..
Likewise, it took Einstein's efforts to link the coordinates of time and space together in one fabric, which is space-time!
We are still waiting until today for someone to reveal what is the most mysterious cosmic mystery, which is the dark matter that is not seen or monitored, but it controls the universe and the interconnection of its components completely.