Tea or Atay in the perception of the Berber poets in the region of Taznakht

Tea or Atay in the perception of the Berber poets in the region of Taznakht 1534
Before going into the details of this interesting topic. I want to say that the subject of tea was previously addressed by Berber poets in the region of Taznakht. But this poetry or these poems were not written down, unfortunately. From them, I took my pen and wrote down enough poems that talk about Atay or tea, and thus I was able to collect more and more than 300 Amazigh poems in various Amazigh poets of religion belong to the region. Whether it is poets. Basic art or yards. Or musical poets.. Rawais. Or to others, religion tends to written poetry. On this revolution brought about by tea or Atay in Morocco..then what is the perception of the first poet that we will start with..Rais Al-Hussein bin Yahya Utznacht about tea or Atay. This is what we will see in the first episode of this interesting topic. First of all, and before I touch on this beautiful and wonderful topic, I must say that tea, or in Amazigh, is Atay. It is considered one of the Amazigh folklore, but it has its own customs, customs and rituals, especially in the mountainous areas. How did this strange and strange drink appeared.. and when did it appear in Morocco.. and the poetry and Amazigh folk proverb in tea… According to the book The Story of Tea, he started drinking tea. In the Chinese province of Yunnan during the Shang Dynasty, as a medicinal drink 3000 years ago. From there, the tea drink spread to Sichuan, where it is believed that people began to boil tea leaves and extract a concentrated liquid without adding other leaves or other herbs, and thus bitter tea was drunk as a stimulant.
Tea or Atay in the perception of the Berber poets in the region of Taznakht 1-29
Archaeological evidence was found in 2016 indicating that Emperor Qing Han (Zheng Khan) in Chi-An introduced tea as an intoxicating drink in the 2nd century BC, approximately 2,100 years ago. In fact, tea consumption began in Thailand as a religious beverage before The Altai tribes 5,000 years ago, or by their ancient name “Tai” or “Tsai”, the word Tsai or Tai in the Ayutaya language (ancient Thai language) means master or king, and thus the farmers of Yunnan province transferred the production and cultivation of the tea plant from Thailand in the name of the Tsai plant, which Later it turned with the Persian peoples to Chai (Chai. About 800 BC. The Chinese monks began to consume tea to extend the ability to pray as long as possible, and the custom continued with Buddhist monks, especially with the Zen method, and tea took a special religious position in the capital of Buddhism The sacred Tibetan "Lhasa".In Morocco, tea (Atay from French) became famous in the 18th century, after French envoys presented ransom gifts to the Alawite sultan in exchange for the release of their prisoners, and among the gifts were tea bags and sugar. From the Moroccans. Yes, Berber poetry in the Taznakht region spoke about Atay.or.tea. Perhaps the most beautiful poem and the most beautiful of it is what we found with the poet or Rais Hussein bin Yahya Taznakht in his wonderful poem entitled..Ad Ishashak, my Lord, for Mizan..Here is the performance of this poem and then after So we will analyze it and we will discover from all that. How did the poet imagine Atay or tea, then what is his favorite Atay tea.Tea, and perhaps the most beautiful and resonant poem, is what we found with the poet or the president, Hussein bin Yahya Otznakht, in his wonderful poem, which is titled “.. Tea Then what is his favorite O.Ai tea?Tea, and perhaps the most beautiful and resonant poem, is what we found with the poet or the president, Hussein bin Yahya Otznakht, in his wonderful poem, which is titled “.. Tea Then what is his favorite
? O.Ai tea
Ed Eishak , my Lord , for the
. Eila Wadn n to miswak Awa Ah Ahoy Shurak Awa Hanna Evocat Rabbi G for gear Awa Azar Idlan I wanted Isa Yaqma Yawa Imek n Tharrin Igan to measure Awa Asrs Iigman Iskard Dag Taunin Awa Akan Ershem Awad Awad Awdain God’s secrets Awa Eini, may God bless you, my Lord .
Ieni zond for Igan ring to measure awa
o etit ai dlan the heart akam
yengan awa atasano ia habib ag tut
awa ataug o dammar egan amel awa
azund marble olide ag eroas awa ah
states tunza g ai au au au au au au au n ging Luisa Teddy Agni Tala Awa Irbi Aflayo Razamad Eerhat Nk Awa Ar Akan Tala Sheba Tog Tent Awa Aig Akan Tala Sheba Amrat Awa Aalini Raken Dag O Sog Awa Aa Ahoy Shurak Awa Aalini Raken Dag Oo Aogila Oa Oa Awga To mattress Awa Easers to Majmar Egd Aegis Eilan Awa Tele Tablen to flood n Rushum Awa Awa follows to Brad Eagan Noqt Awa
Awa Eli Zag Ed Igan Rafiq Awa
Iamrat Q Laqaida Farqent Awa and
Anat Isawan Ah Ka Gis Aiteni Awa
Ah Ahoe Shorak Awa
R Ila Yan Lamgarh Kag Eitam Awa
Asul Igalak Sarbi R Eimim Awa
Aa Aad Aa
Ijayesh Tajwan Ao Aa Aad Aa Iesh Bayesh
Tgaljh Awa
Azin Ore Gain Keefer n Shaloh Awa
Aa Ahoy Shurak Awa
Azin Ur Gain Kiber G Eekhaf Nes Awa
Eina Shi'ar Ina Nazem N Shaloh Awa
Makar I Bna Bulkipir G Lal Qasr Awa
Isotld Kolo for the essence of Sa'i
Taha A'u
Sha'a Oak Nk Ar Tenri
Aar Nga without Rice Aigan for the poor Awa
Eim Rabbi Ad Eitrazm Jant Nkshmat Awa
Addar Nazari to Adab Ola Sol Awa
Ahoy Shurak Awa Adak Nagar
Auhad Ahu Fukua G Awa
Aig Arag Eislah Wadagh Inchan Awa
Aig Arag Easlah Sidi Maulana Awa
Iganagd Adab I Akin Kashm Gawa
Adiga Adiga
Ngus Dar The Qur’an Awa
Yusaid Faqih for the book Nes Egrat Awa Yovan for
the account of the Ai Iga for the forms of
Awat Ait Domin G Mad Aa Folkin
A A Aiga Maulana for a new Era Ism Awa
Ait Ait Domen G Mad Aar Ishawan
Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aur Aa Ao
Aa I
Awgd them, they yea
owa lign uveg ghad ghad eitini awa
agadan kolo didi to
say oah ah ahoy shurak awa

Yes, the poet Al-Rais Al-Hussein bin Yahya Otzenakht began his poem with a wonderful lyrical stanza after giving several descriptions of the beauty that is in Berber. But according to the poet, despite the difference in tea, everyone does not accept to admit, even if his tea does not rise to a high rank. The poem in its entirety is a flirtatious poem par excellence.
To the second episode.. and with another Berber poet from Taznakht and his conception of tea or Atay.

- A lyrical poem by the poet and president Al-Hussein Bin Yahya Otznacht, which bears the title..Al-Mizan..
- Hespress Tamuda